

全国统一学习专线 9:00-21:00

位置:深圳英语提升培训班 > 深圳商务英语培训班 > 深圳韦博英语辅修课程



授课机构: 韦博英语

课程价格: 请咨询客服


上课地址: 请咨询客服

优惠价格: 请咨询客服



发布日期:2010-03-18 23:10

韦博英语辅修课程介绍 韦博商务英语培训课程

韦博Touchstone课程 现在有1A和1B两个级别。此套商务英语课程采用剑桥出版社出版的Touchstone 教程。该商务英语教程以庞大的北美剑桥语言库为基石,拎选出真实对话中常用的作为课文,并采用最基本的单词和句子结构。此套商务英语课程着重具体语言功能的练习,内容前后关联呼应。教学方式简单明晰,强调学生自我评价,由此达到提高初级英文学习者语言交流能力的目的。

The current two-level Touchstone Course of Web has introduced Touchstone books published by Cambridge Press, which is a “corpus-informed” course, drawing on extensive research into the corpus of North American English in the Cambridge International Corpus. It ensures that learners using Touchstone will encounter the most useful and widely used words, phrases and grammar in everyday situations. The course underscores the practice of specific functions in language and enhances important language points. It promotes simple and clear teaching methodologies and encourages preliminary English learners to be independent and self-correcting so as to achieve efficient communication in common situations.


韦博Allstar课程 是一套针对成人开发,以标准英文为基础,共包含四个级别的实用英文教程。此套商务英语课程采用McGraw Hill 出版社出版的All-Star系列课程,内容涵盖家庭,工作和社会等方面的常用话题。此套商务英语课程提倡通过视图法来学习生词,并配有大量图片辅助语言练习。课程进阶设计富有逻辑,课后练习形式丰富,适合不同学员的特质和需求。

Web AllStar is a four-level, standards-based English course for adult and young adult English learners featuring a picture-dictionary approach to vocabulary building. This course uses All-Star textbooks published by McGraw Hill Press, which presents family, work and community topics in each unit and provides bountiful application lessons in its workbooks, enabling customized language teaching for various of student needs. Its “big picture” scenes in each unit provide springboards to a wealth of activities developing all of the language skills and its accessible and predicable seuence of lessons systematically builds language and math skills around life-skill topics.


韦博商务英语系列 通过对大量真实商务案例和语言教学法的研究,其内容旁征博引,涵盖金融,贸易,以及企业管理等各方面的实用话题,也包括全球经济一体化,网络经济,创新等热点讨论。有别于传统的商务英语教学,该商务英语培训课程每一课都由相关名言引入,形式新颖;并融入大量的案例分析和角色扮演,互动活泼,目的在于提高I及以上级别学员在商务英语方面的实际运用能力。

Through a considerable amount of research on business cases and teaching methodologies, Web Business English Series Course is now completed! It aims to improve listening and speaking of learners at or above I Level in Business English. The Course, incorporating practical topics on finance, trade, corporate management, etc and heated discussions on topics like globalization, e-commerce and innovation, distinguishes itself by opening with content-relevant famous sayings and unfolding through plentiful case studies and role-plays.

更多培训课程,学习资讯,课程优惠,课程开班,学校地址等学校信息,请进入 韦博英语网站详细了解



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