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武汉调酒培训 武汉调酒培训学校 调酒培训
解读苹果白兰地apple brandy calvados第五部分
幸运的是,年轻一代恰恰拥有这一信念,并在努力向调酒师推介卡尔瓦多斯,以求打开局面——这无疑对卡尔瓦多斯的发展非常有利。卡尔瓦多斯烈酒联盟的另一位成员Jerome Dupont每年酿造六万瓶卡尔瓦多斯,是规模较大的生产商之一。尽管家族经营的酒庄创办于1887年,他却把目光投向了未来,而非过去。“我们的目标是让我们的卡尔瓦多斯跻身于*质的烈酒之列,它可以在餐后饮用,也可以用于现代调酒,后者对烈酒品质的要求是极其高的。”Dupont说。当下酒饮文化的宠儿是小型生产商(从精酿啤酒到葡萄酒酿造,还有像雪莉酒这样几乎被遗忘的品类)和风土感,或许,卡尔瓦多斯终于要步入光明的未来了。
Fortunately for the ongoing survival of their spirit, the younger generation has this belief – and is looking to bartenders to embrace their brandy and build some momentum. Jerome Dupont, another member of L’Espirit Calvados, produces 60,000 bottles of calvados per year – one of the larger producers. Despite the family-run business starting in 1887, he is looking to the future rather than the past. “Our aim is to see our calvados sitting next to the best spirits, to be drunk as a digestif but also used in modern mixology, where spirits have to be of extremely high uality,” says Dupont. Perhaps with the zeitgeist within liuid culture favouring smaller producers, in everything from craft beer to winemaking, not to mention semi-forgotten categories such as sherry, and a sense of terroir, calvados is due a long-awaited moment in the sun.
武汉调酒培训 武汉调酒培训学校 调酒培训