* 适合年龄段:6岁以上
- *地理杂志选取的教学内容,使英语学习更有乐趣
- *地理杂志视频,鼓舞和激发孩子们的学习热情
- 分级读物,鼓励孩子们在阅读中寻找乐趣,并将&lduo;讲故事&rduo;带入课堂
- 为学生及教师提供免费的在线活动及支持平台
- 职业发展项目,帮助教师们更有效地使用教材
- 互动白板教学课件,易于使用,补充和增加了学生用书容量
- National Geographic content makes learning English fun
- National Geographic video inspires and motivates young learners
- Leveled readers encourage reading for fun, and bring storytelling into your classroom
- Free online activities and support are available for teachers and learners.
- The Professional Development program helps teachers get the most out of the teaching material.
- Easy-to-use technology reinforces and enhances the content of the Student Book.