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位置:北京英语培训问答 > 北京托福培训问答 > 托福独立口语热门高频话题素材范文 托福阅读

托福独立口语热门高频话题素材范文 托福阅读

日期:2019-08-06 17:16:00     浏览:258    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 托福独立口语热门高频话题素材范文集锦:团队运动托福独立口语话题类型较多,常有一些大家不熟悉一时之间想不起来要怎么说的陌生话题会卡住不少考生,因此大家的随机应变能力以及对各类话题语料素材的储备就变得相当重要了。下面小编就来

  托福独立口语热门高频话题素材范文集锦:团队运动托福独立口语话题类型较多,常有一些大家不熟悉一时之间想不起来要怎么说的陌生话题会卡住不少考生,因此大家的随机应变能力以及对各类话题语料素材的储备就变得相当重要了。下面小编就来为大家分享一些托福独立口语热门高频话题的素材和范文。   托福独立口语高频话题介绍:团体运动   Some people prefer to do team sports, other prefer to do individual sports. Which do you prefer?   高频话题语料补充   团队的一份子、强烈的归属感   be part of a team, a strong sense of belonging   互相加油鼓励   Give each other inspirations, motivation, encouragements   在乎比自己更“大”的事情   care something bigger than yourself,   获得成功、成就感   achievesuccess, a sense ofachievement,   承担责任   accept responsibility;   认识到团队合作的重要性

托福独立口语热门高频话题素材范文 托福阅读

  realize the importance of cooperation   为共同的目标奋斗   struggle for a common goal;   跟队友交流互动   interact with teammate=exchangeideas with team members, connect more with them   托福独立口语高频话题范文分享   Personally, I would like to play group sports, like basketball, football, and even baseball. Cuz there are actually lots of benefits, to begin with, one can socialize with their peers and make new friends. I can learn the importance of cooperation and responsibility when playing team sports, my teammates and I can give each other motivation and encouragement, we struggle together for a common goal. It really feels awesome.   以上就是小编为大家带来的托福独立口语高频热门话题的语料和范文,希望能够帮助大家更好地准备和应对托福独立口语的不同话题。

