托福写作高分满分范文点评和思路解析:读写能力在现代社会的重要性托福写作遭遇陌生话题缺乏思路是比较让人头疼的一件事,考试中如果遇到自己完全不知道怎么写的题目可能会严重影响大家的发挥和心态。因此,考生需要在写作备考中就开始多接触各类作文话题了解写法思路,多读一些高分范文提前进行铺垫。下面小编就为大家带来托福写作难点话题的思路解析和高分范文赏析。 托福写作难点话题一览 Is literacy more important today than in the past? Is theabilityto read and write more important today than in the past? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 写作思路展开结构分析 一定程度上,同意这个说法。(In a sense, it is true that…)阅读并理解(Comprehend)的能力,在信息过度丰富的今天,更加重要。现代人的阅读量要比过去高出许多倍(过去*生就是很高的学历,现在博士后[postdoctoral]才算是高学历)。需要更多的能力去辨别真伪。写作的能力更是如此,比如在工作中,写报告是一项重要内容,公司的规模越大,越是如此。没有写作能力,就等于没有升迁机会。 本话题高分范文赏析 As the world becomes smaller and smaller due to the process of globalization, it becomes more and more important that everyone learns how to read and write. If one is to keep up with the fast pace of the world, literacy skills are of utmost importance. Technology is expanding at an ever-increasing rate. Computers, and the Internet, have become common terms in almost all nations in the world. If one wants to be able to communicate with others using thisefficientmethod, one must learn the basics of reading and writing. The objects we have in our home are also becoming increasingly more complicated. For example, if one wants to use a DVD player with their television, one must be able to read the manual to learn how to work it. Even the most basic technologies come with an instruction guide: if one is unable to read, they will constantly be struggling to figure out how to work these technologies.