托福写作遭遇陌生话题缺乏思路是比较让人头疼的一件事,考试中如果遇到自己完全不知道怎么写的题目可能会严重影响大家的发挥和心态。因此,考生需要在写作备考中就开始多接触各类作文话题了解写法思路,多读一些高分范文提前进行铺垫。下面小编就为大家带来托福写作难点话题的思路解析和高分范文赏析。 托福写作难点话题一览Is banning smoking in public places a good rule or a bad rule? In some countries, people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office buildings. Do you think this is a good rule or a bad rule? Use specific reasons and details to support your position. 写作思路展开结构分析当然是好规矩。公众场所吸烟本来就是违规甚至在一些地方违法的行为。大家要注意要展开的不只是吸烟的害处,更需要说明在公共场合吸烟的害处,比如对不吸烟的人有害/可能引起火灾等等。 本话题高分范文赏析In spite of all of the known dangers of smoking, people all over the worldcontinueto indulge in this terrible habit. By allowing people to partake in a cigarette whenever they please, the government is encouraging the smokers' early death. Smoking should be made illegal in all public places as it is very dangerous to one's health, it endangers the life of people who must work in smoky environments, and it makes it difficult for smokers to cut down on their nicotine intake, as they can smoke everywhere. As mentioned above, there are a vast number of illnesses caused by cigarette smoke. The major disease caused by smoking is lung cancer. This particular type of cancer alone kills more people each year than any other illness. Not only is it associated with lung cancer, it is also associated with heart disease, birth defects and a host of other disorders. On a more aesthetic level, smoking yellows one's teeth and hands, which makes him unattractive. Most people also find the smell of a smoker to be undesirable. It is not only the smoker himself who is injured by his habit. People who must work in smoky environments, such as barmaids and waiters, are susceptible to all of the above-mentioned ailments. Also, the children and spouse of a smoker will beaffected by the constant smoke in their environment, and will also be adversely affected. It is unfair for people to suffer for other's bad habits. If one could only smoke in the privacy of one's home, many lives would be saved.