你知道托福听力背景引入式开头吗我们初步涉及了一种开头形式 – 回顾类开头,并强调此类开头的迷惑性还是比较足的。明确常见的引导词及引导方式,并根据记录的信息进行题目的判断。 上期分享→听力Lecture回顾类开头 1什么是背景引入式开头 今天继续介绍一种常见的讲座开头 – 背景引入式开头。 顾名思义,背景引入式的特点在于,在讲座的开头部分,speaker并不会有非常明确的引导词或引导句式直接提出材料要讲的内容,而是通过相关的铺垫,逐步引出今天要说的主题。 2题目练习 下面这篇听力是经典的背景引入式开头,同学们可以感受一下。 听力原文 展开全文In the last fifty years or so, many American cities have had difficulty in maintaining a successful retail environment. Business owners in the city centers or, uh, the down town areas have experienced some financial losses because of a steady movement of people out of the cities and into the suburbs. In general, downtown areas just don’t have that many residential areas, uh, not that many people live there. So, what if city planners decided to do about it? Well, one way they’ve come up with some ways to attract more people to shop downtown was by creating pedestrian malls. Now what is a pedestrian mall?