越来越多的同学加入到了小托福考试中,对于想要参加美国入学考试的中*生来说,听力和阅读无疑是难度大的两项考试。而小托福阅读理解在考试中的分数占了三分之一,分值300分,可以说小托福成绩的好坏和小托福总体成绩是密不可分的。 下面小编为大家介绍小托福阅读考试常见题型: 一、主旨题(mainidea) 典型问法: 1.What is the maintopic of the article? 2.What is thepassage mainly about? 3.What would bethe most appropriate he小托福 试题line for the article? 答题策略: 1.排除“无中生有”的选项 2. 任何涉及细节的选项都不能选。 3. 正确答案不会与文中的任何一句话完全相同。 4. 抓住每段的中心句。 例题: Most biologists study living things that we know are real, but a few try to learn about animals that have not been proven to exist yet. This job belongs to scientists called crypto-zoologists. Their job is to confirm if unknown animals, or cryptids, really do exist. They have found evidence that animals like Bigfoot might be real and they've even proven that some cryptids, such as the giant squid, do live in the world. What’sthe passage mainly about? (A) Bigfoots (B) Cryptids (C) Biologists (D) Crypto-zoologists