英语口语 不期而遇,好好叙旧英语该怎么说,朋友很久没有联系了,想要见面聚一聚,叙叙旧,此时英文可以说catch up。哎?有同学要问了,我们在课本中学到的catch up的意思是“抓住,赶上”啊,catch up怎么还有“叙旧”的意思。今天我们来看一下在口语表达中,catch up如何才能表达“叙旧”的意思。 catch up可以单独使用,比如说: We need to catch up. 我们应该好好叙叙旧。 也可以接不同的介词,比如catch up on something或catch up with someone。 1. It's been years since we were last together! You and I must really catch up with each other sometime soon. 我们好几年都没有见面了,你我一定得找时间聚聚。 这里用的是介词with接“人”each other:catch up with each other,就是说“彼此见面,叙叙旧”。 2. 如果要接“事物”,则用介词on: It's been years since we were last together! You and I must really catch up on each other's livessometime soon. 我们好几年都没有见面了,你我一定得找时间聚聚。 惊讶遇到某人 1. What a surprise to meet you here. 天哪,竟然在这里遇到你!