GMAT考什么?很多人都了解过,考语文,考数学……,再具体些,考语法、考阅读……但是也有人总会说,GMAT其实考的是逻辑。确实,逻辑是Verbal中的一个单项,官名叫做Critical Reasoning. 就是一般我们说的逻辑题。但是,GMAT考查的逻辑,不仅仅局限于逻辑题,在各种题型中,都多多少少渗透了逻辑的思考方式。 比如语法中的有些题目,通过Grammar规则,就可以直接选出了,非常简单。 例题1 Most efforts to combat such mosquito-borne diseases like malaria and dengue have focused either on the vaccination of humans or on exterminating mosquitoes with pesticides. (A) like malaria and dengue have focused either on the vaccination of humans or on exterminating (B) like malaria and dengue have focused either on vaccinating of humans or on the extermination of (C) as malaria and dengue have focused on either vaccinating humans or on exterminating (D) as malaria and dengue have focused on either vaccinating of humans or on extermination of (E) as malaria and dengue have focused on either vaccinating humans or exterminating 展开全文句子主干:Most efforts…have focused either on…or on… 原句主谓一致、时态、平行方面都没有太大问题,但是两个点可以选出正确答案。 一是idiom。GMAT规定举例用such as,不要用like。很多不了解这个规则的同学,就会觉得这个偏好很奇葩,但是了解的同学,则直接会忽略AB选项。二是平行结构。CDE中只有E能满足either…or…之间的平行要求。 这个题,我们在做的时候几乎不会太考虑句子的逻辑语义,又或者说,句意过于直白简单,没有人会理解不来。所以这样的题目,语法层面就可以搞定。但还有些题目,就不这么简单了。 例题2 Ozone, a special form of oxygen that screens out harmful ultraviolet rays, reaches high concentrations twelve miles above Earth, where it has long appeared that it was immune from human influence; we have now realized, though, that emissions of industrial chlorofluorocarbons deplete the ozone layer. (A) has long appeared that it was immune from (B) has long appeared to have been immune from (C) has long appeared as being immune to (D) had long appeared immune to (E) had long appeared that it was immune to 这个题目,有不少同学都会做错。抛开GMAT的语法规则,其实基本的时态大家都还是知道的,这个题目中有现在完成时和过去完成时出现,大家对于这两个时态的区分就要很清楚。