2019 年 6 月 2 日场次 GRE 填空预测发布,具体内容包括对 6 月 2 日 GRE 填空三大主要题型单空、双空和三空题的详细预测讲解,填空各题型解题思路尽在其中,帮助大家顺利保分! 题目1. The students ’ _____ nature were in sharp contrast to the imperturbable disposition of their teacher. A. volatile B. duplicitous C. apathetic D. cunning E. blithe 答案:A 解析:老师的泰然自若和学生形成鲜明对比。 volatile :情绪不稳定的 ;duplicitous:搞两面派的 ;apathetic:冷漠的 ; cunning:狡猾可爱的 ;blithe:漫不经心的。这里要和泰然自若对比,所以要选情绪起伏很大,也就是 volatile。 2. Vermeer is able to imbue his paintings with a saintliness verging on the _____, a quality that is in sharp juxtaposition to the _____ of his subjects: a milkmaid preparing breakfast, a servant tidying up a messy kitchen.Blank ( i ) Blank ( ii ) A. artificial D. similarity B. numinous E. conviviality C. hagiographic F. banality 答案:BF 解析:Vermeer 画平凡的事物,却表达了神圣。 artificial:人工的 ;numinous:神圣的 ;hagiographic:圣徒的 ; 要表达神圣,所以选择 numinous。 similarity:相似 ;conviviality:欢乐 ;banality 平凡。这里要表达绘画的东西都很普通,所以选择 banality。 3. The company ’ s efforts to improve safety were apparently _____, at least according to the company ’ s own data, which showed that the _____ incidents with the potential to cause a serious accident declined significantly. Nevertheless, independent analysts argue that those statistics are _____. These analysts maintain that the company has consistently underestimated both the probability and the likely effects of accidents in the sensitive and poorly understood environment in which the company is operating.Blank ( i ) Blank ( ii ) Blank ( iii ) A. innovative D. frequency of G. deceptive B. successful E. impediments to H. testable C. frustrated F. attention to I. consistent 答案:BDG