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日期:2019-08-16 13:23:23     浏览:270    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 小编给大家带来公共英语一级考试冲刺卷及答案,希望对大家有所帮助。 AFrenchmanwenttostayatthebesthotelinasmallItaliantownwithhiswife.Onenight

  小编给大家带来公共英语一级考试冲刺卷及答案,希望对大家有所帮助。   A Frenchman went to stay at the best hotel in a small Italian town with his wife. One night, he went out for a   walk alone. The small street was dark and quiet. Suddenly he felt someone behind him. He turned his head and saw   an Italian young man who quickly walked past him. The man was nearly out of sight ( 看不见了 ) when the French-man suddenly found that his watch was gone. He thought that it must be the Italian who had taken his watch. He de-cided to follow him and get back the watch.   Soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian. Neither of them understood the other' s language. The French-man frightened the Italian with his fist (拳头) and pointed at the Italian' s watch. In the end the Italian took off his   watch and gave it to the Frenchman.   When he returned to the hotel, the Frenchman told his wife what had happened. He was greatly surprised when   his wife pointed to the watch on the table. Now he realized ( 意识到 ) that by mistake he had robbed ( 抢劫 ) the watch and it was the Italian' s.   61. One night the Frenchman went out for a walk __   A. by himself   B. with his wife   C. with an Italian   62. Why did the Frenchman decide to follow the young man?   A.Because the young man walked so fast.   B. Because he found the young man was out of sight.   C .Because he wanted to catch the young man.   63. The word "frighten" in the passage means __   A.threat   B. terrify   C. happy   64. Why did the Italian take off his watch and give it to the Frenchman?   A.Because he had taken the watch from the Frenchman.   B. Because he had picked up the watch on his way from work.   C.Because he was afraid of the Frenchman.   65. Who was robbed in the story?   A. The Frenchman.   B. The Italian.   C. Neither of them.

公共英语考试真题讲解你  公共英语三级

  参考译文   一个法国人和他的妻子在一个意大利小镇上很好的旅馆里投宿。一天晚上,他独自一个人出去散步。小街黑漆漆静悄悄的。突然他觉得后面有人。他转过头去,看见一个年轻的意大利人迅速地从他身边经过。   当这个人已经几乎看不见了的时候,法国人突然发现他的表丢了。他觉得肯定是这个意大利人偷了他的表。他决定跟踪他,把表拿回来。   不一会,法国人就追上了意大利人。两个人都不懂对方的语言。法国人用拳头吓唬意大利人,并指着意大利人的手表。之后,意大利人摘下了手表,并把它给了法国人。   当他回到旅馆的时候,法国人告诉妻子所发生的事。当他的妻子指着桌子上的手表的时候,他大吃一惊。现在,他意识到,他误抢了手表,而手表是意大利人的。   答案及解析   61.A【解析】答案在一、自然段第二句。一天晚上,他独自出门了。   62.C【解析】答案在一、自然段。根据上下文,那个意大利年轻人几乎走得看不见了,这时,法国人发现他的表没有了。他想一定是意大利人偷了他的表,所以他决定跟着那位年轻人,把表要回来。   63.B【解析】答案在第二自然段。根据上下文,法国人赶上那个年轻人后,向他挥拳头,并指着他的表。之后,年轻人把表脱下来给了他。根据句意,法国人应是“吓唬、恐吓”那个年轻人,frighten应是动词。threat为名词,terrify意为“使恐惧,使惊恐;恐吓”,happy是形容词。   64.C【解析】答案在第二自然段。根据上一题的解释可以看出,年轻人认为法国人在拦路抢劫,他很害怕,所以才会把表给他。   65.B【解析】答案在第三自然段之后一句。根据上下文,那位法国人回到旅馆,看到桌子上的表.才意识到自己误抢了那个意大利年轻人的表。

