“烤鸭”们一定经常听到“听口不分家”的说法,但是如何实践却是无人问津。今天跟大家简单聊一下如何利用雅思听力练习口语。首先介绍一下练习材料就是雅思听力的Section2-3,因为这两个话题背景包括住房、旅游、找工作以及校园生活学习等话题,和我们口语的内容非常贴切。 练习的方向主要是两个: 1.理解并积累地道的英语表达方式。 2.纯正的英语发音,方法以及语音语调等。 简单来举个例子,我们看一下来自剑10T3S2和剑8T4S2的两小段内容。 This is how I became interested in dolphin conservation in the first place. I had never seen one and I hadn't been particularly interested in them at school. Then I came across this story about a family of dolphins who had to leave their home in the moray Firth because of the oil companies and about a child who campaigned to save them. I couldn't put the book down -I was hooked.
Yes. that's all sorted out now thanks It took long enough, though. It was practically a year ago that I applied to my local council for a grant, and it took them six months to turn me down. And I thought I was eligible for government funding, but it seems I was mistaken. So then I asked the boss of the company I used to work for if they would sponsor me, and much to my surprise, he said they' d make a contribution. And in fact I didn't need to apply. My parents had been saying that as i already had a job, I ought to support myself through college. But in the end they took pity on me, so now I've just about got enough. 两段内容和我们雅思口语Part2的话题部分非常相似,以主人公的视角来介绍自己的某件事,解释事情发展的过程和内容,其中不乏地道的词汇词组表达以及时态的多样性,这也正是雅思口语的高分标准。接下来进行零件拆分环节: