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位置:培训问答 > 如何提高SAT写作质量-SAT考试


日期:2019-08-17 17:59:29     浏览:420    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 要想提升文章质量,是SAT写作备考生取得高分的基础!可是,如何提高SAT写作质量呢?小编为大家整理了一点小小的技巧,以下供大家参考。 1.多运用动词和主动语态 在文章中把一个主要的名词换成动词。

  要想提升文章质量,是SAT写作备考生取得高分的基础!可是,如何提高SAT写作质量呢?小编为大家整理了一点小小的技巧,以下供大家参考。   1.多运用动词和主动语态   在文章中把一个主要的名词换成动词。   Verb to be :the use of leaf blowers before 8 am is a violation of local noise abatement laws.   Action verb :the use of leaf blowers before 8 am violates local noise abatement laws.  2.在文章中使用specific words   少general words,多增加specific images。这两者怎么区别呢我们来举个例子,car就是general words,因为车的种类有很多,而Benz SUV 就是specific words。在考试的中,多使用specific words可以帮助把物体解释的更清楚,读者也会获得更多的信息,使他们对你的文章更方便了解。   General :Tom got into his car and drove off.   Specific :Tom leaped into his SUV and roared off.   3.用动词替代句子中的某一个重要的名词或形容词   Verb to be :The quarterback’s wretched performance was a disgrace to his team.   Action verb :The quarterback’s wretched performance humiliated his team.   4.使用简单词汇   在新sat写作中,有的同学习惯使用一些例如 ugly as sin, pretty as a picture之类的词汇。在这里,建议大家不要使用这类词汇。因为新sat写作备考生们在使用这些词汇的时候,会给读者一种陈词滥调、平淡无味的感觉,更有可能使读者误会你本身的意思。   General :I was shaking in my boots before the interview,but I was happy as a lark when the personnel manager offered me the job.   Improved :I was terrified before the interview, but I was ecstatic when the personnel manager offered me the job.  5.避免使用俚语   新sat的写作,要求的是一篇有专业性的写作,而不是一篇日记或随笔,所以俚语不应该在sat的考试中出现。就好像是高考作文中,考生把“我要去…”写成“俺要去…”加有地方方言的语言方式。   例:Brian’s mother reprimanded him for blowing his physic test.   Improved :Brian’s mother reprimanded him for failing his physic test.   写作的时候,尽量的使用简单易懂的词汇语句,可以使读者更清楚的明白你的立场和你文章的目的。要记住,sat写作不是考察你的生词量,而是在考察你是否能将你的想法通过文字的方式传递给读者。   例 :To facilitate input by the maximum number of potential purchasers, questionnaires were designed and posted well in advance of the launch of the promotional marketing campaign.

如何提高SAT写作质量 SAT考试

  Improved :Before we began advertising, we designed and mailed a marketing survey to find out what customers were looking for.   通过比较,我们可以清楚的明白,上面的句子,使用了一些不必要的词汇,而导致句子看上去繁琐难懂。下面的句子,经过编改,变得简单易懂。   6.合并短句,截断长句   合并短句可以让你的文章更连贯,读者阅读的时候思路也会更清晰。   例:The glee club held a fund-raiser, the basketball team also held a fundraiser.   Improved sentences :The glee club and the basketball team held fundraisers (compound subject)。   *,小编再提醒大家多运用动词和主动语态、在文章中使用specific words、用动词替代句子中的某一个重要的名词或形容词、使用简单词汇、避免使用俚语、合并短句,截断长句,这些技巧可帮助同学们在SAT写作考试中取得高分。

