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位置:英语培训问答 > 托业培训问答 > 140个核心词汇成就你的托业-托业考试


日期:2019-08-21 12:18:10     浏览:619    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 140个核心词汇成就你的托业 提炼总结给要参加托业考试的筒子,从托业880词中提炼了更加核心的135词,与各位正在准备托业的亲共享之!标蓝的地方是为了方便记忆写的。 记忆方式:每天深刻记10个。

  140个核心词汇成就你的托业   提炼总结给要参加托业考试的筒子,从托业880词中提炼了更加核心的135词,与各位正在准备托业的亲共享之!标蓝的地方是为了方便记忆写的。   记忆方式:每天深刻记10个。两周14天完成。一个月的剩下两周进行第二轮记忆周期。   101 quote 报价   quote英[kwt] 美[kwot] vt.引述,引用;vt.报价; 引述;   vi.引用;   [例句]He quoted Mr Polay as saying that peace negotiations were already underway   他引用波利先生的话,说和谈已在进行之中。   102 ravenous 饥饿的;贪婪的?Rave 咆哮   ravenous英[rvns] 美[rvns]   adj.极饿的; (指饥饿、渴求等) 极度的; 强取豪夺;   [例句]Amy realized that she had eaten nothing since leaving Bruton Street, and she was ravenous.   埃米意识到自己从离开布鲁顿大街之后什么东西都没吃,她饿极了。   103 refreshment 茶点   refreshment 英[rfremnt] 美[rfrmnt]   n.提神,精神恢复; 提神物; 点心,茶点;   [例句]May I offer you some refreshment   我给你来点吃的怎样?   104 reimburse 偿还;补偿 Re im burse(钱包)   reimburse英[ri:mb:s] 美[ri:mb:rs]   vt.偿还,付还,归还;   [例句]I'll be happy to reimburse you for any expenses you might have incurred   我将很乐意赔偿您所发生的任何费用。   refund和reimburse的区别?   refund 是退钱。也就是你给谁交了钱,谁就给你退钱。比如退商品时,你原先给商店交了钱,商店要给你refund。   reimburse 一个意思是退钱,跟refund一样。这里基本上可以跟 refund 互换。另一个意思是报销,就是由第三者给你钱。比如你付医院钱,再由保险公司reimburse你。或者是你出差付给车站钱,公司再reimburse你的路费。在这里一般只能用 reimburse 而不是 refund。   105 remuneration 报酬;酬劳   remuneration 英[rmju:nren] 美[rmjunren]   n.酬金; 酬报; 偿还; 工资;   [例句]$ 31,000 is a generous remuneration.   31,000美元的薪水很不错了。   fee:指提供某种服务收取的固定费用;   earnings:多指通过劳动或投资等手段所得到的收入;   wage:多用复数形式,指按小时、日或星期的报酬,通常指体力劳动者的工资;   allowance:指收入中的补贴部分;   income :与earnings含义很相近,但前者强调总收入;   pay :是个通用词,可取代salary与wage;   salary:指按年定下,按月或星期平均给予的报酬,指脑力劳动者的薪水。   What Is the Difference between Salary and Remuneration   Remuneration is a broad-based term that is meant to represent all the ways in which an employee is compensated for labor and his or her role within a company. This can include a variety of rewards from cash wages to sales commissions and bonuses for performance, stock options, expense accounts, and the use of company assets such as aircraft, cars, and housing.   A salary, on the other hand, is a subset of remuneration, and refers to a fixed payment for labor or services that is provided on a regular basis. Both the terms salary and remuneration are ancient references that can be traced back hundreds of years in human society, and they have generally retained their original meanings over time.   106 repulsive 使人反感的;令人厌恶的   repulsive英[rplsv] 美[rplsv]   adj.丑恶; 令人厌恶的,可憎的;   [例句]The repulsive force within the nucleus is enormous.   核子内部的斥力是巨大的。   107 rigor 严格;严苛;艰苦   rigor英['rg] 美[rɡ?]   n.严密; 严格; 严酷; (由惊吓或中毒等导致的身体) 僵直;   [例句]In this process, the use of more factual arguments and data to enhance the article rigor and persuasiveness.   在这一过程中,运用了较多的事实论据和数据资料,增强了文章的严谨性和说服力。   108 runner-up 第二名;亚军   runner-up英['rn(r) p] 美[rnp]   n.第二名,亚军; 亚军队;   [例句]The ten runners-up will receive a case of wine.   10位亚军会得到一箱葡萄酒。   [其他]复数:runners-up   冠军是winner

140个核心词汇成就你的托业 托业考试

  除了冠军之外的统称runner-up   亚军可以叫 1st runner-up 或者简称runner-up   季军可以叫 2nd runner-up   其他的说法   冠军可以叫champion或者1st place或者gold medal   亚军可以叫2nd place或者silver medal   季军可以叫3rd place或者bronze medal   【词源】亚军为什么叫runner-up?   1)听到一个好玩的、但不靠谱的解释说是   打架打输了的就跑,所以叫runner。   2)来自19世纪赛狗时的说法,原意指的是跑第二名的狗。完整版其实是run…up (to the last race),指的是第二名的狗在之前都没输过,但是后来就演变为泛指第二名。   “The dog last running with the winner is called the RUNNER UP, because he RAN through the races UP to the last race without being defeated once.”—in A. R. Starr in Upland Shooting, page 471 1890   3)因为up(上升)的空间呗,一般可以指非*名的所有人,后来缩小范围用来指第二名。这是一种委婉的说法。   109 seasoning 调味品;佐料   seasoning英[si:zn] 美[sizn]   n.调味品,佐料; 风干,干燥(处理),老化;   v.“season”的现在分词;   [例句]Mix the meat with the onion, carrot, and some seasoning.   把肉和洋葱、胡萝卜及一些佐料搅拌在一起。   seasoning通常是指调味的过程,例如season with salt and pepper。   condiment 通常是指的成品调味品,例如摆放在餐桌上的ketchup,L&P sauce等。   flavoring 通常指增香剂,更多是指添加的风味、口味   spice指的西餐中使用的香料,比如辣椒、花椒、八角、茴香等等。   herbs指的香草   意大利混合调料(Italian Seasoning)   是由甘牛至、百里香、迷迭香、鼠尾草,盐和黑胡椒组成的。   110 shortcut 近路;捷径   shortcut 英[':tkt] 美[rtkt]   n.捷径,近路; 被切短的东西;   [例句]Fame can be a shortcut to love and money   有了名气就容易收获爱情和金钱。

