ACT作文想拿满分?教你写出所有“采分点”!改版后的ACT写作考试除了给你一个写作总分,还有四个大能力单项分。如何拿下所有采分点?为通关ACT写作考试,今天小编特地为即将奔赴考场的同学们带来几大写作锦囊,供大家考场上打怪兽时使用。 改版后的ACT写作考试除了给你一个写作总分,还有四个大能力单项分。每个阅卷的歪果仁可都有一双火眼金睛,他们能够在有限时间内快速找出同学们写的这篇作文里的各大“采分点”,为了通关ACT写作考试,今天ACT写作名师特地为即将奔赴考场的同学们带来几大写作锦囊,供大家考场上打怪兽时使用。 首先,作文的开头段不求你使用各种高大上长难句,你可能—没能让阅卷者明白你的意思,反而让他觉得你逻辑混乱。开头首先清晰的交代要写的话题,和关于这个话题你的立场是什么。注意同学们,你的立场要体现你对这个controversial issue 的价值判断,你觉得它是好啊还是坏啊还是你想对这个问题保持中立态度都ok,但你不要摆一个fact,那等于顾左右而言他。你必须让阅卷人立刻知道你对这个问题的看法,也就是你论证主体部分要支持或反对的内容。 其次,平时的写作课建议同学们用2-3个段落作为论证的主体段落,由于新版ACT写作考试有一个新要求,即题目中给的perspective1,2,3你必须全部进行回应,这就要求同学们在草稿纸上写essay map进行brainstorming时要把这三个已给出的论点都考虑进去。有的同学在平时的写作课上曾有过这样的疑问,会不会有哪个perspective我实在无法跟我的立场联系上?不会的。对于和你立场一样的perspective,你只需提一下,把它拉到你方阵营,然后继续论证你的观点,而对于跟你立场不一样的perspective,和你不一样的原因有两种。一,它可能和你讨论这个问题的角度不同,但是内容合理,你归纳一下你们都想说哪一大类的内容,然后你的论证角度是什么;二,你可能根本不同意它表述的内容,那么你指出你哪不待见它即可,然后接着论证你的观点。建议大家在段首先写topic sentence,如果哪个perspective和你本段观点相似,提一两句。然后接着论证你的本段立场。或者先指出和你立场不一样的perspective,你不同意它哪了,然后本段你的立场又是什么,接着还是继续论证你的观点。在每段结尾加一个conclusion 进行总结或transition进行承上启下,也就是给阅卷人再重申一下你本段的立场,加深印象,也体现了你论证的严密。毕竟是persuasive essay,写的formal些啦。 在我的这篇考前碎碎念的后,我想跟同学们讲一下你的文章的末段,你可能那时候已经没什么时间了,千万别吓尿,给文章加个结尾很简单的。结尾不求长篇大论展望未来神,一句话也成哈,就是重申一下这个问题你的立场,就是paraphrase 一下thesis statement啦! 祝烤生们都能取得一个理想的写作成绩! 附:满分例文 Intelligent Machines Many of the goods and services we depend on daily are now supplied by intelligent, automated machines rather than human beings. Robots build cars and other goods on assembly lines, where once there were human workers. Many of our phone conversations are now conducted not with people but with sophisticated technologies. We can now buy goods at a variety of stores without the help of a human cashier. Automation is generally seen as a sign of progress, but what is lost when we replace humans with machines? Given the accelerating variety and prevalence of intelligent machines, it is worth examining the implications and meaning of their presence in our lives. Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about the increasing presence of intelligent machines. Perspective One Perspective Two Perspective Three What we lose with the replacement of people by machines is some part of our own humanity. Even our mundane daily encounters no longer require from us basic courtesy, respect, and tolerance for other people. Machines are good at low-skill, repetitive jobs, and at high-speed, extremely precise jobs. In both cases they work better than humans. This efficiency leads to a more prosperous and progressive world for everyone. Intelligent machines challenge our long-standing ideas about what humans are or can be. This is good because it pushes both humans and machines toward new, unimagined possibilities. Essay Task Write a unified, coherent essay in which you evaluate multiple perspectives on the increasing presence of intelligent machines. In your essay, be sure to: analyze and evaluate the perspectives given state and develop your own perspective on the issue explain the relationship between your perspective and those given Your perspective may be in full agreement with any of the others, in partial agreement, or wholly different. Whatever the case, support your ideas with logical reasoning and detailed, persuasive examples.