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位置:培训问答 > 英语不好雅思口语和写作如何上6分


日期:2019-09-03 13:06:31     浏览:351    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 直白来说,英语不好,上6分比较难。但有一些技巧可以在你当前的基础上增加一些得分点。

  直白来说,英语不好,上6分比较难。但有一些技巧可以在你当前的基础上增加一些得分点。   可以看到,6分和7分都在流利性中提到需要使用语篇标记。什么是语篇标记?其实就是我们平常说的逻辑连接词。雅思考试,不论是作文还是口语,都非常看中逻辑的连接和内容的展开,如果考生能在写作和口语中熟练的使用逻辑连接词,那么就可以增加自己得分的胜算。   雅思写作和口语有点像玩节奏大师,只要在恰当的时间按下键,就可以得高分。但如果时间不对,即便将屏幕按碎,也不得分。考试的时候,有些人虽然写的不多,但能得高分,原理就在于文章中的每个句子都在体现考点。而作文和口语中的考点是公开的。   下面给大家列出了一些外国人常用的逻辑连接词,练习使用那些国人不太常用的即可。   It can sometimes be difficult to start a sentence to express ideas, or find words to show the relationship between ideas. Below is a list of possible sentence starters, transitional and other words that may be useful.   To introduce   This essay discusses …   … is explored …   … is defined …   The definition of … will be given   … is briefly outlined …   … is explored …   The issue focused on ….   … is demonstrated ...   … is included …   In this essay …..   … is explained …   … are identified …   The key aspect discussed …   … are presented …   … is justified …   Views on …. range from ….   … is evaluated …   … is examined …   The central theme …   … is described …   … is analysed …   Emphasised are …   … is explained and illustrated with examples …   To conclude   In summary, …   To review, …   In conclusion, …   In brief, …   To summarise, …   To sum up, …   To conclude, …   Thus, …   Hence, …   It has been shown that, …   In short, …   To compare and contrast   Similarly, …   In the same way …   Likewise, …   In comparison …   Complementary to this …   Then again, …   However, …   This is in contrast to …   In contrast, …   And yet …   Nevertheless, …   Conversely, …   On the contrary, …   On the other hand, …   Notwithstanding …   Whereas …   In contrast to …   That aside, ...   While this is the case …   ... disputes …   Despite this, ...   To add ideas   Also, …   Equally important ...   Subsequently, …   Futhermore, …   Moreover, …   As well as ....   Next…   Another essential point…   Additionally, ...   More importantly, …   In the same way …   Another ...   Then, …   In addition, …   Besides, ...   Then again, …   Firstly, ... secondly, ... thirdly, ... finally, ...   To elaborate, ...   To present uncommon or rare ideas   Seldom ...   Few ...   Not many ...   A few ...   ... is uncommon   ... is scarce ...   Rarely ...   ... is rare ...   ... is unusual ...   To present common or widespread ideas   Numerous ...   Many ...   More than ...   Several ...   Almost all ...   The majority ...   Most ...   Commonly ...   Significant ...   ... is prevalent ...   ... is usual ...   Usually ...   To present inconclusive ideas   Perhaps ...   ... may be ...   ... might be ...   There is limited evidence for ...   ... is debated ...   ... is possibly ...   ... could ...   ... may include ...   To give examples   For example, ...   ... as can be seen in ...   ... supports ...   An illustration of ...   ... as demonstrated by ...   ... is observed ...   Specifically, ...   ... is shown ...   ... exemplifies ...   Such as ...   As an example ...   To illustrate, ...   For instance, ...   To show relationships or outcome   Therefore ...   As a result ...   For that reason ...   Hence, ...   Otherwise, ...   Consequently, ...   The evidence suggests/shows ...   It can be seen that ...   With regard to ...   After examining ....   These factors contribute to ...


  It is apparent that ...   Considering ... it can be concluded that ...   Subsequently, ....   The effect is ...   The outcome is ...   The result ...   The correlation ...   The relationship ...   The link ...   The convergence ...   The connection ...   ... interacts with ...   Both ....   ... affects ...   Thus it is ...   ... causes ...   ... influences ...   ... predicts ...   ... leads to ...   ... informs ...   ... presupposes   ... emphasises   ... demonstrates ...   ... impacts on ...   ... supports ...   To present prior or background ideas   In the past, ...   Historically, ...   Traditionally, ...   Customarily, ...   Beforehand, ...   Originally, ...   Prior to this, ...   Earlier, ...   Formerly, ...   Previously, ...   Over time, ...   At the time of ...   Conventionally, ...   Foundational to this is ...   In earlier ...   Initially, ...   At first, ...   Recently ...   Until now, ...   The traditional interpretation ...   To present others' ideas   According to …   Based on the findings of ... it can be argued...   … proposed that …   As explained by …   … states that …   … claims that …   However, ... stated that …   ... suggested …   … concluded that …   Similarly, … stated that ….   … for example, …   … agreed that …   Based on the ideas of …   … defined …. as ….   … relates …   As identified by …   … disputed that …   … contrasts …   With regard to … argued that …   … concluded that …   … confirmed that …   ... argues ….   … highlights …   … demonstrates …   … found that …   … identifies …   ... wrote that …   … demonstrated …   … also …   … reported ….   … pointed out that …   … maintained that …   … hypothesised that …   … expressed the opinion that …   ... also mentioned ….   ... asserts that ….   … identified …   … goes on to state/suggest/say   … emphasises   … challenges the idea ….   … showed that …   … explored the idea …

