很多初次接触托福考试的学生总是非常担心写作的综合写作部分,也就是我们说的小作文。他们常提出这样的疑问:“怎么考得这么变态啊?读了又听再写!”其实大家完全不必为此如此焦虑,等看完下面的文章,读完下面的四大必杀技,我相信你一定会豁然开朗! 技巧一:summarize,也就是概括阅读和听力文章的主要内容和各三个分论点。这其实就是Introduction要写的内容,掌握了概括,一、段就不成问题咯! 技巧二:Paraphrase,也就是改写。掌握好了改写句子,你写起文章来将会感觉到如鱼得水,游刃有余。 改写其实主要有下面的两种方法: 一,使用不同的词汇 a.使用同义词,比如以下的一些写作高频词汇的同义词,你一定要掌握,出现的尤为频繁。 important→essential, crucial, vital, significant, think→claim, believe, consider, deem, figure out nowadays→currently, at present, now, recently, in recent years,these days b.改变词性,这是一种稍微难一些的方法,要求你的语法基础非常好,你才能灵活自如的运用。 n. → v. Eg:When we look at a comparison between Aand B… When we compare A and B… Adj. → n. There are a variety of solutions to the problem. There are various solutions to the problem. c. 使用不同的承接词。承接词在文章当中的使用相当频繁,不仅是段落和段落的连接,还包括句子和句子的连接。背住一些常用的承接词比你的改写将会有极大的作用。 because of → due to, owing to, because, as, since, for but → however, nevertheless, nonetheless, whereas so→ therefore, hence, thus, consequently d.形容词的逆向表达。在某些形容词上进行修改,会达到非比寻常的效果。 Eg: not as easyas…→more difficult than… Not uncommon→common Thecheapest → the least expensive 第二,使用不同的句型 a. 改变词序。这是非常简单的一种方法,完全不用动脑筋就可以进行改写。常常将句子中的状语(包括状语从句)换位置。 Eg: For manyyears, people have believed …. →People believed… for many years. After this programs has been solved, work on … can continue. b. 主动语态和被动语态的互相替换Eg: Trained scientists performed this research. →This research was performed by trained scientists. c. 使用“there be” 句型,可以将一个简单句,马上变成一个加入定语从句或者分词的复杂句。Eg: Severalcomputer programs can be used to solve this problem. →There areseveral computer programs that can be used to solve this problem.或There areseveral computer programs used to solve this problem. d.定语从句,分词和插入语的互相替换 Eg: Study…, conducted by sociologists in 2004,shows that… →Study…, which was conducted by sociologists in 2004,shows that… Eg: This…, which is one of the m most powerful … in theworld, has… →This…, one of the most powerful… in the world, has… 技巧三:Cite,即引用。综合写作乃客观写作,只是一个旁观者的角度对这两篇文章的内容进行描述,因此,某观点是出自哪篇文章一定要说清楚。所以,下面的这些句型在综合写作中必不可缺。