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位置:培训问答 > 2019年的英语六级口语真题-英语六级考试


日期:2019-09-07 18:44:45     浏览:122    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 今年的英语六级口语考试终于结束啦。口语考试往往是许多考生较为紧张的时刻,不过口语考试并不是什么洪水猛兽,只要稍加练习,做到有话可说,就不会在考场上出现尴尬的场面。

  今年的英语六级口语考试终于结束啦。口语考试往往是许多考生较为紧张的时刻,不过口语考试并不是什么洪水猛兽,只要稍加练习,做到有话可说,就不会在考场上出现尴尬的场面。为了帮助大家顺利通过六级口语考试,小编为各位考生提供较贴心的口语考试小提示,下面就说一下关于电子支付,现金支付是否过时的讨论。接下来跟小编一起来看一下吧。   小组讨论:digital money or cash money   A: Hi, do you have enough cash? I want to buy some apples, but I was too hurry to take my wallet. Could you lend me 100 Yuan ?   B: Oh, of course, but do you know the supermarket can be paid by digital money. It is so convenient.   A: Really? Well, that’s good. I can pay for fruit by myself. How terrific! I’m out of date. But, do you think that cash money is outdated?   B: Well, I can’t agree more, payment by cash is not secure as digital money. What’s more, traveling, working or doing other things can be more easier than before. It is in the benefit of us.

2017年的英语六级口语真题 英语六级考试

  A:Yes, with the widespread of Chinese economy, many will choose digital money instead cash money.   B: How wonderful! Let’s experience the convenient life brought by advanced technology.   以上,就是小编为各位考生带来的六级口语考试的小组对话,希望能够对各位考生有所助益。同时,各位正在准备口语考试的同学们不如参考一下前面口语考试考察的内容,为接下来的考试练一下手。然后,小编祝各位都可以取得令人满意的成绩。

