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位置:北京语言培训问答 > 北京英语培训问答 > 英语口语分享-英语口语练习


日期:2019-09-09 17:45:02     浏览:518    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 今天小编为大家准备了一些英语口语,希望对大家有所帮助,接下来跟小编一起来看看吧。 英语口语学习 Wesedatedhertooheavily. 镇定剂的药量太多了 Well,ifthisi

  今天小编为大家准备了一些英语口语,希望对大家有所帮助,接下来跟小编一起来看看吧。   英语口语学习   Wesedatedher too heavily.   镇定剂的药量太多了   Well, if this is hersedated,   如果这是她镇定的样子   I'd hate to see her otherwise.   其他样子我真不敢想象   We all agreed that Davina must be sacrificed.   我们都同意达维娜必须牺牲   There's no need to let herblow the roof off ourheads   没必要再让她这么闹腾下去   in the meantime.   搞得天翻地覆   No way! You're not touching her!   不行,我不许你碰她   Ok. I'll let you have that one.   好吧,那一拳算我让你的   Marcel, no one wishes to see Davina come to harm   马塞尔,我也很不希望达维娜受伤   less than I, but there is no scenario here   但是这件事   in which we simply wait this out.   不是等待能解决的   She's going to die.   她会死   According to Sophie,   说这话的女巫   the witch who screwed over everybody here.   把大家都玩弄得很惨   The harvest was working before it was stopped.   她说收获祭确实起了作用,直到被中断   If a nonbeliever like Sophie Deveraux   索菲本不信这一切   can come to have faith that these girls will beresurrected,   现在都能相信这些女孩可以重生   then I, also, am a believer.   那我也选择相信   I saved Davina from the harvest,   在收获祭上我救下了达维娜   and now you want me to justhandherover   现在你却叫我把她拱手相让   Do you think that I'm happy about this   你难道觉得我愿意吗   If the witches complete the harvest,   如果女巫们完成了收获祭   not only do they regain their power.   她们不仅会重新得到魔力   We lose our weapon against them.   我们也会失去对付她们的武器   The earthquake I was willing tochalk up   地震,我可以理解为   to hideous coincidence,   是可怕的巧合   but these winds   可这些风呢   If Davina is not sacrificed,   如果达维娜不牺牲   then every inch of earth that shook,   刚刚颤抖过的每一寸大地   everything blowing about now   现在刮起的每一粒砂石   will soon be drenched in water   都会被洪水淹没   and consumed by fire.   被烈火吞噬   Oh! Now you care about the city.   是吗,现在你知道在乎这个城市了   We ought to. We built it.   我们本该如此,毕竟是由我们建立的   And we all saw it burnt to the ground twice.   我们都曾两次目睹这里被夷为平地   I will not let that happen again.   我不会再让那样的事发生   Do I make myself clear   我说清楚了吗   Yeah.   清楚了   Yeah.   再清楚不过   Not a people person, are you, Niklaus   你不怎么喜欢人类,是吗,尼克劳斯   Nonsense. I love people.   胡说,我爱人类   Just on my way to warn a couple ofprominentones   现在我就去警告那几个比较杰出的人类   in case the weather gets out of hand.   以防状况真的一发不可收拾   If you fancy yourself as plusdiplomatist,   如果你喜欢做外交官   perhaps you'd like to come along.   也可以跟我一起去   No. Soon Sophie Deveraux   不,索菲德弗罗   shall be consecrating Celeste's remains,   很快就会献祭塞莱斯特的遗体

英语口语分享 英语口语练习

  and though her actions arereprehensible,   尽管她的行为是对死者的极大冒犯   still I should pay my respects.   我还是应该去表示悼念   Hey. Do you have a minute   你有时间吗   Just on my way out.   正打算出去   Which one of us is thepeoplepersonagain   我们俩谁比较亲民来着   口语生词积累   sedate安静的;沉着的;给…服镇静剂   Herlife wassedate, almost mundane.   她的生活很平静,几乎有些枯燥。   rsurrect [rez'rekt]使复活;复兴;挖出   TodayI stand before you as someone who was able toresurrecthis life and career.   今天展现在你们面前的我,是一个能够重塑自己生活和事业的我。   hand over交出;移交   Whenpaying for a taxi, never look at your wallet as you take out a note - just grabone at random andhand it over. It will always be the exact fare.   付出租车费用的时候不需要像拿出备忘录时那么细心——随便抓出一张钞票给司机就行了,拿出来的钱总是正好的。   chalk up记下;取得;归咎于   Allof us are eager tochalkup good results in the evaluationtests.   我们都渴望在评估考试中得到好的分数。   prominent 'prɑmnnt] .突出的,显著的;杰出的   Inthe process of practice it is notprominentthis is because I should improve myEnglish level.   但在实习的过程中这个优势却并不突出,这都是因为我的专业水平有待提高。

