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位置:北京英语培训问答 > 北京雅思培训问答 > 雅思写作练习分享--雅思阅读


日期:2019-09-11 19:37:03     浏览:301    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 下面小编跟大家一起了解雅思写作练习,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。 同类真题衍生:1.Fartoolittlehasbeendonetopreventanimalsandplantsfromdyingout,alth

  下面小编跟大家一起了解雅思写作练习,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。   同类真题衍生: 1. Far too little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, although people have been aware of this problem for a long time. Why do people do so little about it?Give suggestions on how to solve this problem.   2. Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of resources.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?   审 题   1. Human activities (所以你的论点论据,应该和这个大前提一致)   2. Too late to take preventional measures   3. Dying out, extinct   4. Improve the situation   首先再次回忆一下,Discuss both views这一类型的题目,我们介绍过很多遍,你需要分别讨论两种观点各自的合理之处,也即:从这些立场持有人的角度解释、分析题中列出的不同看法;然后陈述自己的观点。于是问题就来了,大多数同学反应这道题目的难点观点一:“采取行动为时已晚”,这一观点好像不太站得住脚啊,其合理性在哪里呢?所以今天主要就解析这个问题,其余的部分,请各位同学动手练习。   同样,文章结构很清晰:   开头段 主体段一 主体段二 自己的观点段(结尾段)   View One   重点:too late to take measures...   有道理的地方:   背景知识:地球上有几百万中生物,每天都是150-200个物种灭绝(包括动物以及植物)。我怎么知道?哈哈哈,查一查联合国、著名环境组织、科研机构的报告就知道了。如果你有这个只是储备,这个观点会不会好写很多呢?   对于已经灭绝或极度濒危物种,人类的确是无力回天的(回忆前几天报道我国**的一只什么乌龟,精人工授精无效而亡,就是这个意思)   很多情况下,破坏容易拯救难:人类很多行为对动植物的赖以生存的环境造成了不可逆转的破坏,这些环境问题:要么无法复原、要么复原起来需要耗费大量的时间、金钱和精力。参看第2点:但是动植物的灭绝速度等不及啊,该灭绝还是会灭绝,于是乎,这个观点的合理性是不是就清楚了?   View Two   自行思考吧~   P.S. 今日大文章分享的大熊猫保护研究就是一个很好的例子呀~   Causes & Solutions   不作为的原因:   技术难度大,对于已经灭绝或极度濒危物种,人类的确是无力回天的   花费过大,财力、人力耗费过大   大众整体的意识依然不高,所以导致决策*无法充分   让步:结合第二点,虽然意识到这一事实或现象,依然因为现实原因选择不作为   解决方案:   鼓励科研、加大科研投入   筹款筹资(基金会、大公司、众筹等等)、合理进行预算规划   提升大众爱护环境、保护动植物的意识   *积极承担责任   WritingSample 1 (Too late to...)   The view that it is too late to save animals and plants from extinction is not without merit. Frist and foremost, there are millions of species on our planet, and according to scientific research, an average of 150 to 200 species disppear from the earth on a daily basis. For such already extincted or immediately dying species, it can be indeed too late to take any effective actions. For certain extremely endangered animals or plants, the actual effects of human intervention can be very limited. This is not to ignore the fact that, animal and plant protection generally requires a comprehensive and systematic reaction plan, which means the process can be lengthy, demanding and costly and not keeping up with the extinction rates of the dying species. (128 words, 一、个尚未完全扩展的主体段)

雅思写作练习分享     雅思阅读

  WritingSample 2 (causes)   Nowadays, a great number of species become extinct as a result of irresponsible humans’ activities. Very little, however, has been done to improve or alter the situation. I will discuss the reasons behind such inaction and provide several suggestions to solve this problem.   The first factor explaining such inaction is perhaps associated with technology and research. Protecting species from dying out actually preconditions robust research in related fields. Current scientific development, however, remains inadequate to save many species from extinction. The second reason is also a realistic one: protection of the endangered animals and plants usually requires tremendous investment, both financially and logistically. Budgetary shortage and human resources deficiency further contribute to the government's indifference to the dire situation. Also, lack of awareness from the general public may worsen this situation. Insufficient public awareness not only makes the government less pressured to take action, but may also government's work more challenging, as the general public will be non-cooperating. (158 words,一个主体段)

