雅思阅读判断题怎么破?备考雅思的烤鸭们对于判断题一定并不陌生,因为该题型在雅思阅读的考试中每次至少占到了20%的比例。但是就答题正确率而言,许多小伙伴都会觉得要做全对是比较难的,尤其在Not Given和False的区分上。 当考生阅读实力在6-7分段的时候,做判断题多多少少有些连蒙带猜的成分。经常会有学生来和我说,自己逻辑能力很差,所以判断题做不出;而我们的确也能够在网上找到不少雅思阅读判断题攻略,有相当一部分是从逻辑角度在分析。 那究竟判断题是否需要强大的逻辑呢?答案是否定的雅思考试实际上是一个语言能力的测试,而阅读判断题根本的目的,是为了考核学生定位以及从英语角度对fact、claim、summary的意思对应判断。今天给大家提供更加接地气的方法,希望对于各位考生做判断题带来一些帮助。 判断位置: 首先,每一个备考雅思的学生需要清楚的是,雅思阅读本身就是一个很强调定位的考试。除了Matching和部分Summary题型之外,其余题型的答案大都按照文章顺序出现在原文中·。在做判断题的时候更是如此。如果一篇文章中的判断题出现在第8-13题,考生需要明白,这6题的答案所在段落很有可能就在文章的后半部分(除非前面7题是一个配对题型/一个全文summary题或者段落配标题)同时,6道题内部也是有顺序的,基本上题目出现的先后顺序对应文章的先后顺序。如果能够定位第1题的位置,那么后面一些题目则可以在文章相应位置往下去寻找答案对应。 划关键词: 对于题目大概出现的位置心里有个数之后,就要开始划题干中关键词了。很多考生习惯多划,因为他们总担心划少了,在密密麻麻的文章段落中看漏了或者是找不到。其实,在判断题的关键词选取时,我们需要遵循的是以下二选二不选的原则:选特殊名词,比如大写/数字以及专有名词选主语或者宾语名词以及介词短语后面的名词尽量不选文章的话题词汇,出现频率高会导致定位过于广泛,尽量不选动词和形容词,以上两种词性同义改写可能过高,可能难以定位或者导致费时过长。 BTW,所有的方法都有一个例外,如今的雅思考试阅读难度是有提升的,所以在部分考核归纳能力的题目中,难免也会偶尔出现关键词不明确的题干。但是只要定位做的好,答案所在句范围小,是不会有太大困难的。 代入定位: 在关键词选择完成后,考生需要去原文中找到答案所在的句子。极大的可能性是在一句话中,但是偶尔也会要求考生通过几句话进行归纳和推断,以此来判断正确与否。在此需要提醒考鸭们,由于雅思的判断题比其它考试多了一个Not Given选项,所以代入关键词去原文定位时,为了避免手头上的这道题恰好是属于“原文并未提及的 “Not Given”,大家较好能够同时把上下相邻的两题中的关键词同时代入一起定位(即便有时是连续两题都是NG,但很少都是原文中并未提及关键词),这样可以大大节省找到关键词所在句的时间。通常情况下,我们的答案都是通过关键词所在句判断得出的。 进行判断: 找到关键词所在句之后,就要开始进行判断了。要完全做对判断题,我们:一是需要扎实的语言知识,即尽可能多的认识词汇、理解如何通过句型变化和语态变化达到同义转述。二是要明确True/False/Not Given 的几种情况。以上两点如果心中有数,那么判断题就是手到擒来的一种题型。 接下来我们就通过一些例题来看一下判断的方法! 为什么是True? 01 题目和原文的事实(包括数据)一致 原文 In the late 1970s, the infant mortality rate for the children of illiterate mothers was around 110 deaths per thousand live births. In 1985, after the National Literacy Crusade had ended, the infant mortality figures for those who remained illiterate and for those educated in primary school remained more or less unchanged. 题目 Before and after the National Literacy Crusade, the child mortality rate for the illiterate women stayed at about 110 deaths for each thousand live births. 02 题目是原文中的opinion的同义转述 原文 It has also been found that visitors enjoy cultural activities most when they are interactive, such as visiting a marae (meeting ground) to learn about traditional Maori life. 题目 Visitors to New Zealand like to become involved in the local culture. 03 题目是对原文中句子的Summary 原文 It is not necessarily these small languages that are about to disappear. Navajo is considered endangered despite having 150,000 speakers. What makes a language endangered is not just the number of speakers, but how old they are. 题目 A large number of native speakers fail to guarantee the survival of a language. 为什么是False? 01 题目与原文事实或者数据不一致 原文 Cinema has also given a new lease of life to the idea of the story. When the Lumiere Brothers and other pioneers began showing off this new invention, it was by no means obvious how it would be used. All that mattered at first was the wonder of movement. 题目 Storylines were important in very early cinema. 02 直接相反(可能会用反义词/否定) 原文 As researchers on aging noted recently, no treatment on the market today has been proved to slow human aging - the build-up of molecular and cellular damage that increases vulnerability to infirmity as we grow older. 题目 Studies show drugs available today can delay the process of growing old. 03 题目过于肯定/把原文中限定条件除 原文 Small loans are provided initially for purchasing fixed assets such as bicycles, shoe shine kits and basic building materials for a market stall. As the entrepreneurs gain experience, the enterprises can be gradually expanded and consideration can be given to increasing loan amounts. The loan amounts in S.K.I, programs have generally ranged from US$30-$100. 题目 Only one fixed loan should be given to each child. 04 原文和题目中范围/频率/可能性不同 原文 The lack of ability of some cultures to deal with large numbers is not really surprising. 题目 All cultures have been able to express large numbers clearly. 为什么是Not Given? 01 题目中的某些内容在原文中没有提及 题目 Visitors like staying in small hotels in New Zealand rather than in larger ones. 原文 把“hotels”带入相关上下文,并未找到对应,所以是“Not Given”。 02 题目中涉及的内容或者限定更加具体 原文 On the website, visitors can search for activities not solely by geographical location, but also by the particular nature of the activity. 题目 It was found that most visitors started searching on the website by geographical location. 03 原文只是看法,题目变成了事实 原文 One of the Lumiere Brothers' earliest films was a 30-second piece which showed a section of a railway platform flooded with sunshine. A train appears and heads straight for the camera. And that is all that happens. Yet the Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, one of the greatest of all film artists, described the film as a 'work of genius'. 题目 The Lumiere Brothers' film about the train was one of the greatest films ever made.