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全国统一学习专线 9:00-21:00

位置:北京语言培训问答 > 北京英语培训问答 > 商务英语写作学习练习分享-英语练习


日期:2019-09-14 10:55:13     浏览:541    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 下面小编跟大家一起了解商务英语写作学习练习分享,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。 上周和上上周我们学习了如何急迫又不失礼貌的要到新老客户的项目款,那么对于已部分付款的客户,我们应该如何定制个性化催款信函呢。

  下面小编跟大家一起了解商务英语写作学习练习分享,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。   上周和上上周我们学习了如何急迫又不失礼貌的要到新老客户的项目款,那么对于已部分付款的客户,我们应该如何定制个性化催款信函呢。看:Lesson 7 A series of personalised collection letters to a customer who has sent a part payment(给已部分付款客户的系列催款信)   范文   催款信   催款时,对于已部分付款的客户可以先对其表示感谢,接着进入催款话题,如此,显得更人性化。   First applications for payment 一、封催款信   Dear   Thank you for your letter of 8 March enclosing a cheque for £500 in part payment of the balance due on our February statement.   Your payment leaves an unpaid balance of £825.62. As our policy is to work on small profit margins, we are unable to grant long-term credit facilities.   We are sure you will understand if we ask for immediate payment of this balance.   Yours sincerely

商务英语写作学习练习分享  英语练习

  如果未收到业主对一封催款信的回复,可在大约十天后发送第二封催款信。这一封信应该比上一封信措辞更强硬一些,但仍然要保持礼貌哈。   Second application letters 第二封催款信   Dear   We have not heard from you since we wrote on 10 March about your unpaid balance of £825.62. In view of your past good record, we have not previously pressed for a settlement.   To regular customers like you, our terms of payment are 3% one month. We hope you will not withhold payment any longer;otherwise it will be necessary for us to revise these terms.   We look forward to receiving your cheque for the outstanding amount within the next few days.   Yours sincerely   如果对方对连续发出的几封催款信都无动于衷,那么可以寄一封短信发出警告,通知对方将要采取行动啦。   Final application letters 后一封催款信   Dear   We are unable to understand why we have received no reply to our letter of 7 Apirl, our third attempt to secure payment of the balance of £825.62 still owing on your account with us.   We feel that we have shown reasonablepatience and treated you with every consideration. However, we must now take steps to recover payment at law, and the matter will be placed in the hands of our solicitors.   Your sincerely   对于这些催款信,你学会了么?  

