实用英语口语:“如鱼得水”英语如何表达? 每日一句实用英语在生活中,我们常会用 “如鱼得水” 来形容一个人在自己熟悉的环境中做起事来游刃有余,顺畅自如。那这个是不是翻译成“like a fish in water”? 小编要和大家强调一下,英语里没有 like a fish in water 这个说法! 其实,在英语里有一个和“如鱼得水”意思很接近的成语,叫做: take to something like a duck to water 一起来看柯林斯英语词典的解释▼ If you take to something like a duck to water, you discover that you are naturally good at it or that you find it very easy to do. 如果你做什么事情像鸭子下水一样,你会发现你天生擅长它,或者是这个事情很容易做。 例句: He took to it like a duck to water, quickly becoming Car Salesman of the Year. 他在这混得如鱼得水,很快就成为年度汽车推销员。 既然说到了“Duck”,那就再来看看英语中还有哪些关于“鸭子”有趣的俚语吧。
Sitting duck 坐以待毙 例句: If you don 't fight against them,you will be a sitting duck. 如果你不和他们做斗争,你就只能坐以待毙。 duck soup 小事一桩;小菜一碟 例句: In my opinion, what she asked was only duck soup for you. 在我看来,她的要求只不过是小事一桩。