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位置:培训问答 > 雅思考试之口语练习


日期:2019-11-26 11:32:19     浏览:24    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 雅思口语考试小编来教大家如何有话说。希望对大家的英语口语水平有所提高,祝愿大家考试顺利,心情愉悦! I.Explanation/Details (细节法-举例子、列数字、高级,易使出复杂句) ad

  advantages:随便举栗,避免无话,5.5 基本技能
  - ...,when/whenever
  -...,such as/ for example/including/especially...
  -..., I mean...
  -..., because...
  - ...
  advantages:随意展示语法能力,6.0 基本技能,7.0 上分好帮手
  -...,I remember when...,...
  - .... At that moment, ...
  - .... If Ihadn't been ..., nothing would have happened.
  - ... . I wish I were/was/could/did ... . Then, Iwould/could... .
  - ... . Now, I'm satisfied with...
  - ...
  III. Comparison
  advantages:易理解,可控时,不跑题- 6.0 基本技能
  -..., however/but,...
  -... .Compared with...,...
  - ... betotally different, ...
  以How to describe a person (Sample)为例:
  The person I'm closest to my family is definitely my mum, Kate.
  We've got on and wehardlyever fall out. I knowthat'sunusual!
  Everyone thinks she's good fun.


  I lookup to her because she's so hardworking- she neversits still andshe works long hours.
  Shecan be a bit impatient, thought - she gets annoyed whenher colleagues aren't as efficient as her. I take after her in that -I'm impatient, too.
  And she'soversensitive, often getting offendedfor seemingly no reason.
  MycousinHenryand Igrew up together. We wereinseparable.
  He was so creative - he'dalwaysthink of new games we could play and make up these stories to make me laugh.
  I wasconstantlyamazed byhis open-mindedness as well -he was neverjudgemental.I wish I could be like that.
  Unfortunately, we grew apart, slowly but surely, and by the time we went to uniwe weren't in touchanymore. I haven't seenhim for years. It's really sad.
  I would blameit partly on the fact thathe's not very reliable, so for example, if I email him he won't respond. I'm not sure what he's up to these days.
  I know this is acliche, but I don'tget on withmy in-laws, especially my mother-in-law,Jane.
  She's so nosy, always wanting to know what we're doing and who we're with,
  and she'sterribly blunt,which means she quite oftenupsets us with things she comes out with.
  And then she can be quite stingy. When we go ou fora meal with her and my father-in-law, she never offersto pay, even though they're much betteroff than us.
  Imustsay, though, she's extremely clever and I dorespect her for that.She setup her own business five years ago and it's gone from strength to strength.She's soself-assuredand ambitioustoo, which I suppose is whyshe's sosuccessfulin business.

