托福听力的噩梦:天文学如何攻破?以今年12月份的托福考试为例,12.15和12.16的两场考试中,都连续出现了天文类文章。天文类讲座可以说是整个托福听力讲座话题里难度非常大的类型,即使基础比较好(听力实考分时25 )的同学也常常拿它没办法。既然如此,难道我们对天文学就一点办法也没有,只要考试遇到,就只能听天由命看人品吗?当然不是!所谓“知己知彼,百战百胜”。下面我们就来讲解攻克天文类听力讲座的详细方法。
asteroid belt 小行星带
Mercury 水星
Jupiter 木星
Saturn 土星
spectroscope 光谱
optical radiation 光辐射
meteor showers 流星雨
1.天文原理(比如TPO2L4: Bode’s Law; TPO21L1: Geocentric Theory; TPO38L4: The Formation of Gas Planets等);
2.天文现象(TPO53L4: Saturn’s Rings; TPO19L2: Difficulties in Astronomy; TPO24L4: Shield Volcanoes on Venus等)。
我们以TPO21L1:Geocentric Theory的部分内容和题目进行讲解。
讲座开始,教授对本次课的内容进行简单介绍之后,引出了geocentric的概念,即文中的introduction原理介绍部分(geocentric means…)。紧接着,教授用“so, why did the ancient Greeks believe that the Earth was the center of the universe?”这个问句,阐释了geocentric原理形成的原因,也就是development部分(Well, it made sense to them. Observations of the sky make it appear as if the Sun, the moon, and the stars all revolve around the Earth every day, while the Earth itself stayed in one place. And this view is also supported by their philosophical and religious)。
Why did the ancient Greeks hold geocentric view of the universe? (2 answers)
A.The sun appeared to them to revolve around Earth.
B.They had not developed methods of gathering accurate data on the movement of planets.
C.Their religious and philosophical beliefs supported this view.
D.Some of the planets in the solar system had not been discovered yet.
这道题正好对应的是文章中development的信息部分,如果我们在听的时候能抓住这部分的信息,就应该知道,Greeks支持geocentric view的理由是1. the sun, the moon, and the stars all revolve around the Earth, while the Earth itself stayed in one place;2.supported by their philosophic and religious beliefs.因此,对应到答案,应该选择C,D。
characteristic 现象的特点
cause 现象的原因
请同学们在练习的时候,着重关注这段话: However, if the rings are made of leftovers from that process, then they’d also be about 4.8 billion years old. The problem is that anything gathering space dust for that long would certainly have darkened by now. But Saturn’s rings, most of them anyway, are pristine, so bright and shiny that they make Saturn “the jewel of the solar system.So the hypothesis that the rings are just made of material left over from the time of planetary formation. That hypothesis must be wrong.(描述了saturn’s rings现在的特点,由此否认了之前对于rings形成原因的推测)。听清楚了这段信息之后,我们来看一下相应的题目:
2.What leads scientists to believe that Saturn’s rings are much younger than the planet itself?
A.Most of the rings are bright and shiny.
B.Most of the rings are composed of complex materials.
C.The rings are much thinner than scientists realized.
D.There are small moons in between Saturn’s ring.
根据上面描述的saturn’s ring的特点,这道题毫无疑问应该选择的是A。