1-the purposethis pic is to reveals/expose/disclose/betray a common andseriousproblem in our sociallife:________
2-xxxx describe a commonphenomenon_____
3-As is implied in the drawing ___
4-it is most likelythat the drawer meansto reflecta problem of ...
5-on noaccount can weignorethevalueof
6-xxx bringsone controversialissue into thelimelight_______
thephenomenon shown above in the piccan be attributeto xx
1-though the cause for xxx may be very complex, there are three main factors which can account for it.
2-the main reasons why i am not in favor of xxx are asfollows.
3-lacking in sound judgementand prompt instruction, ... might bemislead to ...
4-as far as i am concerned,there are somereasons accounting for this phenomenon,
6-there are ample/powerful/sufficient/various reason in sayingthat....
7-...result from/arisefrom/can beattributetothefact that
8-one may criticize/findfaultwith/disapporovalof..., but the realcause/motivation/root/purpose of...is ...
there are manyexamples to supporttheviewpointin question, but thefollowingare sufficient. A good case is that ______. Another example is that __________. Consequently, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that__.
1-the most persuasive is the case of
2- a case in point is
3-let me cite ..... as an example
4-it isbest examplified/ proved by following fact that......
5-numerous stories of ....tell us that ......
6-another special considerationin this case is that.......
7-wemay cite/quote/takea commonexampleto illustrate that...
8-our society abounds withthe examples of ....