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托福口语话题四:你认为人生最艰难的时期是什么时候? 题目:Which of the following periods in life do you think isthe hardest, being a kid, a teenager or an adult. 托福口语范文:I think being a teenager is the hardest for the followingreasons. First, it’s hard being a high school student. What welearn in high school is hard! We are studying so many differentsubjects all at the same time. There are endless assignments andtests to worry about. If I don’t get them right, I can’t face myteachers and parents. Second, there’s too much peer pressurebeing a teenager. People compare with each other about theclothes we wear, the shoes we put on and the grades we have to try so hard to fit in to avoid being alienated atschool. 托福口语话题五:你喜欢在城市度假还是在乡村度假? 题目:Some people prefer to do take a vacation in cities,others prefer to spend their vocation in countryside. Which doyou prefer? Explain why. 托福口语范文: I prefer to spend my vocation in cities for the following reasons. First, there’re so much more to do in a city comparingto being in the countryside. In a city, I’ll never run out of funactivities to do. For example, I can visit museums and watchmovies or shop. The things we get to do in the countryside arepretty limited. Second, I don’t drive, so it’s easier for me toget around in a city because there are buses and subways lines,even taxi services. In a city like Beijing, it’s very convenient toride the subway which makes it possible for me to visit three tofour places in a day. 托福口语话题六:你怎样处理大量的工作? 题目:What kind of strategy do you use to handle anoverwhelming amount of work. 托福口语范文: I think making a plan ahead of time and sticking to it is theway to go. For example, I did a twenty-page paper for my historyclass last semester. I was pretty concerned about not being ableto handle it so I sat down and made a plan before starting theproject. The plan was to start the whole thing by going to thelibrary so that I have all the right books and material for myresearch, and then try to finish the first draft within two that I’d show it to my professor for feedbacks andsuggestions on how to improve it. I followed this plan andeverything worked out pretty well at the end.
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