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直拨400免费预约VEPT测试【Versant English Placement Test】精准能力定位完全匹配!
在托福口语考试中,逻辑性要严谨。在托福口语部分的评分细则中,“details, examples and specific reasons”是评分的重要标准。有很多考生,凭着多年的考试经验,背了一大篇模棱两可的句子。如:“Generally speaking, in current world we have some conflictingtheories…”等等。打算在考托福口语时用这样一堆“stock language”滥竽充数。但是,这一在其他考试中行之有效的手段,在托福口语考试中却不会有好的效果。一旦参与评分的美国教育考试中心的两位 raters不能在回答中找到具体的细节,该考生的回答立刻会被评为劣等。 托福口语难在:准备时间不足 最容易的*题来说,准备时间只有15秒,回答时间只有45秒。很多学生都没有准备好,对于这样的情况,建议考生在平时的训练中多多应对这一状况。Choice A: Car - personal space - stop when I want - travel on my schedule Choice B: train - company shortens journey - cheaper - no traffic jams Topic sentence - I prefer to drive my car because I like not having to depend on other people’s schedules. Supporting sentence - My car is private and comfortable. - There is room to spread out - There are stops along the way I would like to make. Closing sentence (optional) - I prefer the freedom from restrictions and so I would drive my car if at all possible to visit my friend. I prefer to drive my car because I like not having to depend on other people’s schedules. My car is private and comfortable. I enjoy my own personal space. When driving alone, I can listen to any radio program I like or put on my favorite CD’s. There s no need for me to pack headphones or euipment in a bag to carry onto public transport. There is room to spread out and I don’t have to worry about my bag being in someone’s way. I find driving more relaxing and it allows me to set the pace of my trip. Occasionally, there are stops along the way I want to make. I would be free, for example, to drop into stores that catch my interest. Generally, when I drive, I can leave any arrive on my own schedule. I prefer the freedom from restrictions and so I would drive my car if possible to visit my friends.
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