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日期:2017-04-22 16:17:44     浏览:6372    来源:天才网·北京站
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托福口语范文5 The place I would like to visit most is the outer space,the place where most of the physical laws on the earth do not apply. It is interesting to see everything floating in the air. And the term “in the air” should also be modified simply because there is no air anyway. It is interesting to walk the distance in a whole new style. And it is interesting to see the mother planet from a whole new angle. This big blue crystal sphere,from the pictures taken by those astronauts, the sight is marvelous. And I am dying to see this big blue ball in this style. (108) 托福口语范文6 For me I think it is the history. For I am a Chinese and we have so long of it. There simply is too much to remember. And the years, the names, the places, the events all became tangled up once you learn beyond 3 or 4 dynasties and I don’t even remember we have how many of them. But I still think it important because what is going on in this country still bear traces from the past with or without our notice, although we’d like to say that we live in a new China. And I think learning history is a great way to understand this country that I am born into. 托福口语范文7 I’d like to talk to Alan Shore from the TV series Boston Legal. He is the kind of person I admire. He is decent, a man of his word, one of the very few that I regard as having a strong sense of justice. Yet he is not bound up by the rules and knows when to break them to achieve the ultimate good. And he is interesting and elouent, all the things that I desire to have. I want to talk to him about how to balance when you want to have principles and yet not bound up by them at the same time. (105) 托福口语范文8 I want to read biography books, because although we’d love to say that the society is changing and developing, human nature never changes much. And the biography books help me understand the nature behind the more visible events. I may encounter the same problems in the future and I’d like to know how others deal with them. And everyone is trying to present a more glamorous version of the self and it creates lots of illusions. Biography is a kind of way to break down these illusions and offers the truth about humanity. 在平时的练习中,大家对于托福真题有了一定的了解,包括答题思路、答题技巧及时间安排等等。但是,对于机经,往往不知道如何去使用。其实,机经题目对我们的应考帮助是非常大的。在本篇中,我为大家讲解如何将机经中的汉语内容经过分析,总结成英语答案。也就是说,我们可以看了机经后,推测出答案,若在自己的考试中遇到该机经,我们就可以轻松应对了。下面我就为大家选取新托福口语机经中的部分题目进行解析,并同时提供参考答案,方便考生们使用机经,充分备考。






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