问题1:必填Question 1 (Required)
How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.
解读:这是典型的why school一篇文章应该充满关于学校的细节,以及学生希望如何为学校贡献自己独特的魅力。
它不应该包括芝加哥*可以在旅游和信息会议上学习的一般信息。例如,我们都知道它是美国*经济系的所在地。避免这个,写一【天津艺术留学培训中心官网】 些新的东西,而不是重复你在校园访问中提供的信息!
写这篇文章的关键是向招生官展示芝达的资源是如何*大限度地满足你对学习氛围、社区和未来的期望的。 "satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future"。所以在写这篇文件的时候,不能只是夸芝大或者自己,而要解释为什么要匹配芝大,具体在哪里。
比如写我喜欢*A和*B的跨*研究,高中的时候也做过类似的活动,而芝达刚刚提供了这么独特的课程/项目/社区,比写芝达能满足我的学术兴趣生动多了。why school文件往往表现出你与学校的深厚关系,而不是临时拍脑袋做决定。
问题2:扩展论文(必须填写,选择一篇)Question 2: Extended Essay (Required; Choose one)
Essay Option 1
Was it a cat I saw? Yo-no-na-ka, ho-ka-ho-ka na-no-yo (Japanese for "the world is a warm place"). Mo?e jutro ta dama da tortu je?om (Polish for "maybe tomorrow that lady will give a cake to the hedgehogs"). Share a palindrome in any language, and give it a backstory.
译文:Was it a cat I saw?(我看到的是猫吗?),Yo-no-na-ka, ho-ka-ho-ka na-no-yo(日语是世界是一个温暖的地方)。Mo?e jutro ta dama da tortu je?om(波兰语是也许明天那个女人会给刺猬蛋糕)。分享任何语言的回文(指正读和反读相同的单词或句子),并给它一个背景故事。
Essay Option 2
What advice would a wisdom tooth have?如果智齿会说话,它会给出什么建议?
Essay Option 3
You are on an expedition to found a colony on Mars, when from a nearby crater, a group of Martians suddenly emerges. They seem eager to communicate, but they're the impatient kind and demand you represent the human race in one song, image, memory, proof, or other idea. What do you share with them to show that humanity is worth their time?
Essay Option 4
UChicago has been affiliated with over 90 Nobel laureates. But, why should economics, physics, and peace get all the glory? You are tasked with creating a new category for the Nobel Prize. Explain what it would be, why you chose your specific category, and the criteria necessary to achieve this accomplishment.
Essay Option 5
Genghis Khan with an 【艺术类留学天津】F1 racecar. George Washington with a SuperSoaker. Emperor Nero with a toaster. Leonardo da Vinci with a Furby. If you could give any historical figure any piece of technology, who and what would it be, and why do you think they’d work so well together?
Essay Option 6
And, as always… the classic choose your own adventure option! In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun!
分析:让自己飞起来!但一定要记住与主题密切相关,并尽可能地展示一个善于观察、总结和思考的自我!芝达的校训是益智 (Crescat scientia; vita excolatur),录取的学生自然是勤于提问、善于探索的深层思想家。