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全国统一学习专线 9:00-21:00

位置:培训资讯 > 企业级Java开发工程师就业班英语课程内容介绍


日期:2021-07-10 14:15:47     浏览:526    来源:珠海永亚软件


Lesson One
Revision of the verb ‘to be’ and the possessive adjectives.
Students will practice introducing each other.
Yes/No questions with short answer replies.
Students will practice conversation within the boundaries of normal English expression of greeting and farewells.

Lesson Two
Simple present tense questions with ‘wh..’ and answers.
Students will ask and answer questions in conversation with each other.
Time expressions (early, late, before, until) with on, in and at.
Students will talk about daily schedules.

Lesson Three
Present continuous vs Present Simple.
Students will talk about daily habits and regular activities.
Present perfect vs Past Simple.
Students will practice tenses in conversation with use of since and for.

Lesson Four
Using the imperative to give orders and polite requests.
Students will instruct each to follow simple instruction.
Two word verbs in daily use.
Students will construct sentences with two word verbs.

Lesson Five
Adverbs of frequency.
Students will ask and answer ‘How often?’ questions.
Comparatives and Superlatives.
Students will ask and answer question about preferences.

(The second five lessons are concentrated on building conversation and vocabulary)
Conversation Six
The internet: a danger to our privacy or a necessary tool for future education?  Is the internet bringing us together?

Conversation Seven
Travel: where would you like to travel and why?  How would you help a traveller in your country?

Conversation Eight
The movies: should movie stars be role models for the young of today?  Is there too much violence in today’s films.

Conversation Nine
Health and the doctors: how do we deal with health problems in China?  What are the differences in other countries?

Conversation Ten
Mobile phones and new technology: do we rely too much on mobile phones?  Should young children use them?  What are the health issues?

(The final five lessons are specific to the topic of ICT)
Topic Eleven
The typical PC, input devices, output devices and digital storage.

Topic Twelve
Word Processing, Spreadsheets and Databases.

Topic Thirteen
Graphics and design, multimedia applications.

Topic Fourteen
Emails and communication, asynchronous and synchronous.

Topic Fifteen
Web page design and ecommerce.
