

全国统一学习专线 9:00-21:00

位置:语言培训资讯 > 汉语培训资讯 > 天河区岗顶对外汉语培训班


日期:2016-11-06 16:55:22     浏览:315    


Briefings of the Course课程介绍

愿达对外汉语入门由资深中外汉语专家编撰,针对来华学习、工作和旅游的外国人,内容由日常生活,旅游,及商务活动方面的对话构成,适合无任何基础的外国人。愿达语言培训中心为外籍人士提供各种不同级别的汉语课程。课程着重语言交际能力训练,同时兼顾阅读与写作。我们的课程追求高效、实用和有趣。在我们的专业指导下,您一定能成功学会汉语。As various types of foreigners swarm into China to work, live, or travel, the need to learn Chinese is growing everyday. Hence, an efficient textbook is highly demanded. This book is compiled by experts experienced in teaching foreigners Chinese. It consists of simple dialogues of such themes as daily-life, traveling, and business activities. Tailored for beginners to pick up Chinese in a short time period, this book features simplicity in contents, practicality in the choice of sentences, and vividness in forms. Along with the book, there is a matched CD made by Chinese and foreign experts.

Our features特色:

可用阿拉伯语及各种外语教外国人学中文The course can be rendered in languages as needed.

