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日期:2021-07-08 14:15:31     浏览:318    来源:出国语言培训



 托福口语常见考题涉及到很多的方面,也有很多的特色,下面就为大家总结了10道托福口语考题,供大家参考。  希望大家在托福口语备考中可以应用这些题目,使自己的托福口语水平有所提高。  1 People attend college or for many different reasons (for example, new , career , increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or ? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.  2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.  3 Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.  4 It has been said, "Not that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?  5 A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the and of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.  6 If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.  7 How do movies or influence peoples behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.  8 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? has destroyed among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.  9 Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.  10 When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.  以上就是10道托福口语常见考题的全部内容,包括了很多的方面,涉及到一些背景知识,这也对大家在备考中背景知识的储备提出了一定的要求。


留学和英语资料站收集了2015年-2021年1月的托福独立口语真题,2021年8月新托福后,独立口语将之前的Task 2 转正为Task 1 之后,独立口语的话题变长,题型变化较多、出题角度新颖、难度浮动大。不过,也因为独立口语题的话题限制大,因此ETS不会每次都使用新题。所以,经常在考场上考到前几年考过的一模一样的题目。有些题目甚至会反复利用3-4次。所以,托福独立口语题目练习,考试真题是最有效的!2015年-2021年托福独立口语真题合集资料包截图以上就是2015年-2021年托福独立口语真题合集的介绍~~~2015年-2021年托福独立口语真题合集我这边就有~~~祝大家托福考试冲高分~~~---华丽丽滴结束线---我是留学和英语资料站,定期为大家分享留学申请/留学考试资料、英语学习资料,希望能够帮到大家~*,小伙伴们点个赞再走呗,爱你们么么哒


口语经常被认为是听说读写四科当中最抽象最难以入手练习的科目,毕竟反应能力、表达能力取巧不来。口语备考没有捷径,只能多积累!本文汇总了新托福iBT口语经典80题,分享给大家,帮助大家备战托福口语满分。新托福 iBT 口语经典 80 例1.说出你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。The most important book for me is Harry Potter. Yes, I am a big Harry Potter fan, and I have read the whole Harry Potter series for over ten times. Harry Potter is important for me because it enlarges my when I was in my childhood. And as I grow up, I still love reading it, since Harry Potter series provide me a magical world to escape when I am bored of our real world.2.电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。In my opinion, has more positive effects towards the modern society than its negative sides. First, from the news in the , we can know what is happening in the outside world even without stepping out our living room with in it. And second, watching with family members after supper is a good way to relax after a hard day’s work.3.Describe the most important decision that you made in your life.The most important decision that I have made in my life is to choose as my major in . You know that I dreamed to be a when I was still in my high school. Although my parents rejected my choice of that, I insisted to it. During the studies in , I learned hard and practiced as much as I could. I got the highest GPA in my grade and when I graduated from , my dream of childhood came true.4.Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science?I bet no one could deny that the main of a high school is to help its students develop academic abilities. But for a student himself, it is also very important to get fully educated in other fields like music and art as well as basic science. Music and art can help the students beauty in our lives and that will also increase the of their basic science study.5.空闲时间用来做什么? I usually do three things to spend my spare time. The first is reading. I love reading, in a silent such as library. The second is doing sports. Every morning, I jog 3000 meters, and every weekend, I swim 2000 meters. This can make me healthier and energetic. And last thing I’d like to do when I am free is to eat out with friends. You may be surprised to know that I have tried all the in our community!6.打手机该不该在一些地方禁止?I think that the use of a mobile phone should be forbidden in some places, for example, library. The most common reason for people going to a library is to find a silent to read their favorite books without . But if you receive a phone call in the library or just send out messages, the mobile phone will ring. This noise will surely interrupt others in the library. And I do not think it is very polite.7.描述一件自己印象深刻的 或者 moment。Speaking of , there is one day of the year that is second to none in our country, it is the first day of the year in lunar calendar, which is called the Spring Festival by most Chinese people. Even if you are with festive events, you can not resist the charm of a family reunion dinner which marks the defining feature of the Spring Festival. And during the dinner, family members make toasts for each other in order to wish for joy, peace, health and fortune for the next year.8.Which one acts more influence on you newspaper, TV or teachers?I think that it is that influence me most among the three. I read newspaper everyday the Beijing Daily which is my favorite. I learn what is happening around or outside the school all by reading newspaper. And as a student of , newspaper is just like textbook for me, I learn how to write news with it. So that’s why I think it me most.9.Describe a social or politics events in your culture.Speaking of social in my culture, there is one day of the year that is second to none, the Chinese New Year, which is also called the Spring Festival by most Chinese People. Even if you are with festive events, you can not resist the charm of a family reunion dinner which marks the defining feature of the Spring Festival. And family members make toasts for each other in order to wish for joy, peace, health and fortune for the next year.10.*是否应该资助建博物馆和剧院。说出你的观点和理由。No one could deny that the main of is to regulate its people. But it is also very important for the to build public utilities like museums and theatres for example. We people pay a huge amount of tax every year to the , we do not hope they use this sum of money only to regulate us, we hope they can return some profit to us. And in my opinion, building museums and theatres is a good way of that.篇幅有限 完整版参照下图这么好的资料要免费送给大家,托哥当然是有一个小小的要求啦~【领取方式】1、点赞本篇资料分享文,评论【托福资料】2、加我微信【shatuoge】,备注【知乎口语80】3、凭点赞或评论截图,验证通过后即可免费领取!




7 Favorite Place My friends and I often go to a small cafe in our spare time. It just locates in our so it’s very for us. For one thing, we can enjoy its famous coffee, chocolate ice cream, the cherry cake and cookies, etc. There are really some good tastes of coffee and ice cream, which are worth trying. Most , they are not expensive. Besides, I think it is quite a good place where I can talk with my friends, share our happiness, or play chess. In addition, there are also some magazines that people can read for free.18 activity There are many popular sports in China, for example soccer, , table tennis, badminton etc. Among these games, I think the most popular one is table tennis. To begin with, Chinese has won nearly all the top prizes of table tennis in world and in Olympics games. I think this is the most important reason why table tennis is popular in China. , it’s a game and it can improve people’s quick reaction as well as . Even primary school students can play it very well if they practice more. Don’t you want to join it like me?这些只是参考啦!~~其实托福的口语题只要平时多多练习考试的时候就可以取得好成绩的。不妨在每天的生活中对看到的事件进行评论或者描述你喜欢的东东,只要肯讲,就一定能有收获的!别人的始终是别人的,背的一和说的是不一样的。还是要自己准备的好!


1 ,我同意的 。因为影响社会的问题是危害,我们必须提高社会应急和处理问题的能力 2,你就回答改革开放 ,从贫富差距上来说 ,从人口幸福指数上来说 我不帮你用英语表达了 。你应该会的 。


一时之间人心惶惶,口语改革之后,原来的答题套路还能用么?答题模板还好使么?万能理由还万能么?为了回答这些个问题,我们先来看看,这次改革都有什么变化:乍一看,似乎只是单纯地删除了原来的Task1和Task5两道题,对于大家答题得分似乎并没有什么影响?对,但是也不对说对,是因为确实,原先的备考方法和做题方法,现在也还是一样可以用的,毕竟题目本身没有变化,只是少了两道题目而已。说不对,是因为明显地少了两道需要自己发挥自己思路的题(被删去的*题自然是独立话题,原来的第五题可也是要大量自己发挥理由的),口语的分数大规模地倾向了听力+复述类的话题。因此各位同学花在背诵万能理由上的时间似乎可以减少,而练习听力复述的时间似乎可以增加。更详细一点来说的话,我们按题目来看吧!独立任务针对独立话题的备考似乎没有本质变化,同时从*改革后几次考题来看,和改革前的话题也没有变化,应该还是在使用同一个话题库,这几次考试中就有出现和改革前考题话题非常接近的情况。那么,就不用变化备考方式了么?非也!请注意Task2 都是二选一类的话题,如果说为了针对此花八门的Task1,还需要准备不少话题、理由、素材的话,针对一根筋二选一的Task2,只需要一个’It depends’的方法就可以解决了!大家可以省去花在背诵理由模板上的时间了!这可是好消息。各位考生可能会问:真的可以说it depends么?真的是可以的,官方指南上有说“it may be your opinion that in some cases it is better to study in groups and in other cases it is better to study alone”. 官宣支持“it depends”,考生们放心用就好了。而既然所有的Task2都是二选一,都能够说it depends,那么就只要用这一个方法就可以解决所有Task2了。综合任务综合任务的题型当然没有什么变化,除了删去了原先的Task5;但是现在综合复述类题型占比如此之高,同时独立题型又变得容易解决,各位考生们可以把更多的时间和精力投放到综合题上。而综合题想要提升能力,就需要格外注意以下几个练习:1普通跟读+复述练习这个练习指的是,逐句播放听力,在听力一句播放完之后,进行跟读,全文跟读完毕之后再进行用自己的语言进行复述。这个练习可以全方位地帮助大家提升综合题能力。听力+跟读可以帮助大家提升听力和记忆力,以及口语特别需要的语音语调。此后的复述又可以锻炼大家的总体记忆力和口头表达能力。这个练习如此有用,大家不赶紧练一个么?2英文学术段复述练习这个练习指的是,听完学术类听力或者看完学术类文章之后,用自己的话,用“教同学今天上课讲了什么”的态度来进行复述。比起简单的跟读练习,这种复述练习更强调“听完听懂以后”再开口说话。所以这个练习有很多优点,比如对记忆力的锻炼,比如对学术听力中特有的情况,比如概念定义等的敏感程度。更重要的,这是一个很棒的学术口语练习方法,毕竟平时能用英文讲述学术知识的*考生恐怕数量不多。学术文段可以来自于公开课、教科书或者甚至维基百科。3描述自己今日做了什么这是一个通用的口语练习方式,并不拘于托福考试口语。这个练习主要给大家有一个自己独自一人时也可以进行的口语练习方法。描述自己的今日,并不拘于口语答复长短,只要有足够的细节就好。这个练习开口的部分特别多,所以对于现在口语改革的第二个变化,就显得特别合适。……什么?口语改革还有第二个变化?对,托福改革后托福考试口语加入了机改。具体机改是怎么回事、怎么使用,请各位考生安装新东方托福这个App,就可以免费进行Speech Rater批改,并且看到批改的criteria。而Speech Rater就是我们ETS官方提供的口语测评工具,和实考中的机考原理一致哦。我们现在只强调一点:Speech Rater特别看重熟练度流畅度。而“描述自己今日做了什么”这个练习,因为在练习过程中自己开口说话的时间最多,所以实际的练习效果也是*的。135编辑器总体而言,口语改革是删去了题型,并且引入了机改,对大家的备考影响不那么大,只要记得独立题多用it depends这个方法,综合题多关注听力/口语复读就好。托福可以有各种各样的变化,但是本质上托福都一直是一个语言考试。只要大家听力口语都过硬,就不用太担心改革,但是如果你听力口语不那么过硬的话,要不要再坚持练习一段时间呢?




学员评价ASK list

  • 薛**评价:我报名了雅思课程,老师特别专业,根据我的情况为我定制了学习方案,明显能够感觉到自己没有以前那么费力了
    手机号码: 184****3130   评价时间: 2025-01-09
  • 李**评价:11月就要考托福,但是我基础不好,总觉得自己学也没什么好效果。问了已经过托福的学姐,推荐我报名这家培训班,老师了解我的基础后推荐了100分钻石班。报名后,老师给了很详细的学习计划,我觉得特别细致,很专业的机构。
    手机号码: 135****4767   评价时间: 2025-01-09
  • 吴**评价:托福零基础,报名了培训中心的托福预备课程。学校的服务真的很好,不仅会有老师定制教学、全程跟踪效果,还会有模考机房进行实战演练。
    手机号码: 184****1575   评价时间: 2025-01-09
  • 黄**评价:在其他机构学雅思没效果,同学推荐这里学雅思,我打听后知道是个子机构,学费还有优惠就报了名。现在在老师辅导下,雅思7分拿到手,听力和口语老师还非常给力,上分效果明显。
    手机号码: 150****7324   评价时间: 2025-01-09
  • 王**评价:很多人在问我学费到底贵不贵,其实,现在报名是有相应的优惠的。但是我想,相对于学费,教学质量才是更为关键的地方,老师们教的真的很棒!
    手机号码: 181****4625   评价时间: 2025-01-09
  • 易**评价:其实我冲刺雅思6.5已经有一段日子了,但是还是没有底,也因为之前在这里冲到6分的,对这里的教学质量也比较信赖,于是紧接着报了6.5分的冲刺班,相信这次我也能够成功冲刺上去的,毕竟老师们的教学都是那么给力呢,考点把握的那么的
    手机号码: 132****6985   评价时间: 2025-01-09
  • 冯**评价:老师超级负责,虽然我的英语能力很差,但是老师一点都不嫌弃我,特别有耐心!
    手机号码: 152****5797   评价时间: 2025-01-09
  • 江**评价:我之前托福听力成绩很差,每次都是因为听力拖后腿,但是在新东方报名了专业的托福直通车课程之后,专业的教学老师为大家量身教学,经过一段时间的学习之后,现在听力的成绩也得到了不小的提升。
    手机号码: 156****4604   评价时间: 2025-01-09
  • 夏**评价:孩子今年托福能考不少分,真的很感谢老师的帮助!
    手机号码: 134****4514   评价时间: 2025-01-09
  • 无**评价:离我学校还挺近,所以周六日都去这里上课,很方便。雅思6.5分是我的目标,现在学了一个月的时间,由此模考已经考到了6分,是真的不错。
    手机号码: 133****2677   评价时间: 2025-01-09

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