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位置:英语培训资讯 > 托福培训资讯 > 托福口语tpo30,托福综合口语task3-6怎么练


日期:2021-07-09 17:05:36     浏览:310    来源:出国语言培训
核心提示:最近很多人都在咨询托福口语tpo30为自己的语言成绩做准备,我也为大家整理了一些资料供大家参考TPO对应托福什么时候考过的真题,托福口语 TPO30 参考答案,托福综合口语task3-6怎么练,求匹克tpo1-30托福模考软件破

最近很多人都在咨询托福口语tpo30为自己的语言成绩做准备,我也为大家整理了一些资料供大家参考TPO对应托福什么时候考过的真题,托福口语 TPO30 参考答案,托福综合口语task3-6怎么练,求匹克tpo1-30托福模考软件破解版,跪求大大给力啊!!!,求托福TPO口语里听力的全套音频!??


1. TPO Volume 01(2005.11.05)2. TPO Volume 02(OG Practice Set)3. TPO Volume 03(2006.08.12)4. TPO Volume 04(2006.10.08)5. TPO Volume 05(2008.03.08)6. TPO Volume 06(2007.12.10)7. TPO Volume 07(2007.02.24 ||5261 2007.12.14)8. TPO Volume 08(2008.02.09 || 2008.12.21)9. TPO Volume 09(2008.05.04)10. TPO Volume 10(2008.06.07)11. TPO Volume 11(2006.12.08阅读,口语4102 || 2006.12.15听力,写1653作)12. TPO Volume 12(2006.12.08听力,独立写作 || 2006.12.15阅读,口语 || 2007.12.01综合写作)13. TPO Volume 13(2006.06.09 || 2007.06.30)14. TPO Volume 14(2008.10.18)15. TPO Volume 15(2009.05.09)

2.托福口语 TPO30 参考答案

Task 3 The proposal is that campus should happen during the three-month summer break. There are two reasons. First, projects can be so and create . It will be difficult for students to go where they want to in campus. Second, projects would be more likely to be completed quickly during good weather, for example, summer. The woman agrees with the proposal for two reasons. First, it is annoying. For example, last December, the decided to repair some of the parking lots. At least four lots were closed, and that meant there were not enough parking spots for students and professor's cars. Because of the trouble they had parking, students were always arriving late. Sometimes even were late. Second, bad weather is not good for the . For instance, part of the reason those parking lot repairs last year took so long was because of the big . They had to keep stopping, sometimes for a week or two at a time, because of snow and ice on the ground. They have to spend a lot longer to finish the . Task 4 Emotional is a kind of ability that people have to recognize their true feelings and what is causing them. This ability enables them to better control their emotional responses, changing or them when necessary. It helps people to behave in social , which allow them to maintain good with others. The professor gives us an example about his own daughter. His daughter had a friend and they decided to watch a movie together. But they got into an argument because they could not decide on what movie to watch. His daughter started to get quite upset during the argument, which was not like her at all. But then, his daughter stopped, and thought about why she was so upset. She realized her reaction was , and she also realized she was not really upset with her friend because there was something else bothering her. She just got a summer job as a camp counselor for children, and she was feeling a lot of worry and stress about how well she would do, she said she'd never worked with children before, so she figured out that she wasn't upset about what movie to watch with her friend, but about starting her new job. She really wanted it to go well. She wanted the kids to like her. And when she this, she stopped arguing with her friend, and to her. She told her friend how anxious she felt about starting the job, and how sorry she was about getting upset with her, and her friend her, saying she would do great at the job. So, his daughter felt better, and they relaxed and had fun together, same as always. Task 6 There are two benefits of . First, enables animals to minimize their exposure to extreme . This is very helpful to animals that live in areas with harsh climates, where it could be very dangerous to spend large amounts of time on the surface. For example, in the Sahara Desert, in Africa, there is a type of lizard that's able to move beneath the surface, through the sand, very quickly. Because this lizard can move so easily and so quickly , it does not have to travel on the surface, where it would be exposed to high . Second, it can help animals capture prey because animals on the surface cannot see predators . For example, when an insect is walking nearby on the surface, it produces very subtle in the sand. When the lizard senses these , it moves very quickly. , where it cannot be seen, toward the source of the . It then pops up directly under the insect and catches it by surprise.


在下10年2月27号的ibt 口语23分 但只准备了5天 每天一个小时现把我的方法提供给你 每天花30分钟主练1-2题 目的是为了提高自己的influence 1、2题练起来效率高 因为只要看几秒题目 想几秒 就能开练了 我的理解是 不卡壳的口语 就是好口语剩下30分钟 留给模考 上网找TPO(抱歉 我的TPO是绿色模考 已经过期了)的口语真题 限时练 就当考试一样 讲不完也没关系 要是讲不完自己不爽的话 可以加大练习量 3-6题诀窍是:口语的听力比listening简单 但想要听清听全所有的points也不是一件容易的事儿 所以需要高度专心 其次就是一定一定要记笔记 也别想着哪些要记哪些不要记 反正你的笔几乎不要停就行了 听到啥就记啥 记的时候思维不要转移到笔记上 还是应该focus在听力上 希望你能做到这点网上有个叫tpooooooo的小子 他的新浪blog里有ets公布的高分口语1-6题范例 一定要去看 地址我考完托福删掉了 你百度搜搜看吧其他我也没啥好说的了 祝你成功!




发了一些不错的考试资料给你~【TPO小站】 新浪博客有个叫TPO小站,上面有~TPO全套听力录音和原文~还有各种托福备考资料,共同分享,共同进步~


学员评价ASK list

  • 黄**评价:和朋友一起报了雅思班,我俩的基础不一样,老师制定的学习方案也不一样,课程体系很全面,从预习到检测,我能看到自己成绩的变化。
    手机号码: 184****8871   评价时间: 2025-03-12
  • 王**评价:快毕业了琢磨着去英国留学继续学商科,后来了解到咱们这边有做GMAT还是相当不错的,是当地排的上名的好机构。学费也合理,老师讲的细,我自己备考好多不懂得问题,老师一句话点破了。
    手机号码: 188****8080   评价时间: 2025-03-12
  • 未**评价:梦想总是和现实有差距,在决定报考托福的时候内心满满期待,但是也是没有很多准备,还好之前有报新东方的课程,能够更顺利的实现学习目标,期待着接下来可以更顺利的应考。
    手机号码: 132****3887   评价时间: 2025-03-12
  • 赵**评价:我在报名之前也是很犹豫的,毕竟语言是要经过一段时间的学习才能看出效果,但是在学了一段时间之后,发现老师教的真的很不错,推荐!
    手机号码: 152****6429   评价时间: 2025-03-12
  • 蒋**评价:培训中心的老师很有耐心,我的英语能很差,但是老师一点都不嫌弃我,特别有耐心!
    手机号码: 158****3807   评价时间: 2025-03-12
  • 未**评价:感谢我的班主任老师,让我考到了7.5分,我自己考才5.5分,三个月时间,各位老师辛苦了,我的写作和听力都是老师们帮我不少。
    手机号码: 136****2900   评价时间: 2025-03-12
  • 未**评价:我之前在这里就有上过雅思课,老师们教的东西都是对考试提升帮助很大的,所以现在的GRE学习我还是选择了朗阁,对于这里的老师我是比较信赖的,也相信,老师们和我的努力下,成绩应该会很好的。
    手机号码: 178****1416   评价时间: 2025-03-12
  • 王**评价:很多人在问我学费到底贵不贵,其实,现在报名是有相应的优惠的。但是我想,相对于学费,教学质量才是更为关键的地方,老师们教的真的很棒!
    手机号码: 181****4625   评价时间: 2025-03-12
  • 刘**评价:这家学校一直在我同学中有不错口碑,我考了两次口语都不行,后来还是在这里找到了好老师,分数终于上了27.5,分数进步不少。
    手机号码: 144****8945   评价时间: 2025-03-12

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