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位置:培训资讯 > 什么是外贸英语函电,外贸员必看!怎么样用外贸英语函电回复客户询价?


日期:2021-07-14 11:16:56     浏览:560    来源:商务英语学习机构



一、开发新客Dear XXX,We have learned from our old client that you are one of the leading XXX importers in Italy. Therefore, we do hope there is a chance for us to cooperate with each other in the near future. (表明合作意向)We are one of the biggest XXX in China.(介绍自己的身份) All our products are strictly and provided to over 30 countries already.Attached please find our latest catalogue and quotation.(直接给出报价单)We look forward to your trial order.Yours ,XXX二、样品寄送通知Dear XXX,I’m now writing to inform you that the samples that you requested were sent by Federal Express today. (告知客户寄送时间及方式)In the mail, I’ve also enclosed a quotation.(附上*的报价单)Please let me know at your earliest as soon as they arrive. Thanks a lot!I’m looking forward to your earliest response.Yours sincerely,XXX三、拒绝临时取消订单Dear Sir,Thank you for your letter of March 12th. We’re very sorry that we can’t accept the order at the last moment.(表明自己的态度) Since your products are ready for shipment, it will be a huge loss for us if you cancel the order.(说明理由)So we have in accepting your request.Best regards,XXX四、付款确认Dear XXX,I’ve received your mail informing that the amount of ¥100,000,000 (再次说明金额)as payment for my invoice *234567 has been to our bank. Thank you very much for your .Yours,XXX五、邀请来访Dear XXX,It was great to meet you at the 2021 Canton Fair last week(唤起客户记忆)and we’d like to thank you for your being in our XXX.In order to deepen our business relations, we’d like to invite you to our company in Shanghai.(表明意向)This would be a good for you to get an overview of our and company cultures, as well as to discuss common interests.We’ll meet all your expenses during this visit.(告知客户关注的来访费用)With regard to possible dates, we do hope that you could come at the end of the month.(表明意向时间)Please let me know whether this would be suitable for you. I’m looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,XXX六、介绍新产Dear XXX,We’re pleased to inform you that we’ve made our new products available on the market. Much to our delight, they enjoy great .(说明新产品已上市且好评不断)As we guess you might be , we’ve sent you by UPS half a dozen samples for your trail use. (告知已寄送试用品)The new products are likely to all the XXX in use at present. For more , please visit www.abcde.com.(告知公司网址)Attached please find copy of our latest catalogue and quotation.(附上报价单) We hope you’ll take this to enlarge your business scope.Yours sincerely,XXX七、维护老客户Dear XXX,It’s been three month since we executed your last order. Recently we’ve developed new business relations with three more , from whom we got in large of XXX. (告知产品近期很受欢迎)I’d like to inform you that for a limited period of time, we are reducing prices on certain items.(告知老客户降价通知)Please have a look at the attached catalogue and quotation. If you wish to order large , e-mail me. We’ll work out terms and to our mutual benefit.We’re glad to give you this discount in view of your previous orders(告知客户折扣只有他才有) and would a prompt reply.Yours sincerely,XXX八、请求介绍新客Dear XXX,I’d like to inform you that we’ve sent XXX you required last month.(简要回复之前的邮件) Attached are our catalogue and quotation for the complete ranges.Our company has business with you since 2014. As you know, we’re devoting ourselves to expand our business abroad all the time. (表明想要扩展业务的意向)I would it if you could recommend some potential to us. (说明想要他推荐新客户)It’s known to all that Chinese XXXs are renowned for their good quality, designs and fine . They have enjoyed great in the European market.(阐述自己的优势)We believe that through your favorable help we’ll meet with extensive reception in your country.We look forward to your favorable reply.Yours,XXX九、转介绍被拒Dear XXX,Thank you for your email of March 12th, we can fully your situation and are sorry for putting you in a dilemma.(说明自己了解客户的难处并表示感谢)Thank you all the same.Yours ,XXX十、感谢介绍客户Dear XXX,Thank you very much for XXX Company to us.(直接表明邮件主题)The of new business with such a large company helped our sales greatly.Last week, we signed a contract with the director Mr. XXX, who held you in high regard and was in our products designed for the U.S. market. (告知与新客户合作情况)We look forward to providing them with the most costly effective services so that they will never feel regretful to cooperate with us.We owe you the greatest debt of gratitude.(对老客户再次表示感谢)Yours sincerely,XXX所有漂洋过海飞到客户邮箱里的邮件,代表的是你的形象,你的产品,你的服务。认真写好每一封邮件,让它给你带来订单!


在外贸职场中,除了有过硬的职业技能之外,外贸英语更是不可缺少的一项技能,在学习外贸英语时我们除了一些基本外贸英语口语要学好之外,外贸英语函电知识也是不能忽略的一点。外贸英语函电是大多数情况下外贸员跟外国客户交流的一个渠道,如果用词不当,很容易就会丢失客户,今天我来给大家说说怎么样用外贸英语函电回复客户询价?以下是25个回复客户询价的外贸英语函电,看看如何措辞最让客户舒服: we thank you for your letter of (10th November), enquiring for LED lights. 谢谢你们11月10人对LED灯的询价来信。 we are exporting of various brands among which XXX Brand and XXX Brand are the most famous ones. 我们现在出口各种品牌的电视,其中XXX和XXX品牌最为著名。 xxxx are in great demand abroad. xxx在国外需求很多。 our stocks are running down quickly. 我们的存货快速下降。 not only for their fashional design but also for the prices. 不仅因为它时尚的设计也是因为合理的价格 once you have tried our XXX you will place repeat orders with us in large . 一经试用我们的 XXX产品,你就会向我们大量续订该产品的。 base on your .... 根据你方的需求..... per set,/per bottle,/per piece 每台,每套,每辆/每瓶/每件/ the above prices are to be on CIF XXX basis, net. 上述价格是成本加保险加运费到XXX的净价。 Please note that we do not allow any on our XXXX 请注意我们对我们XXX产品不给任何佣金。 By L/C at sight to be opened through a bank to be approved by the seller .... 用通过卖方认可的银行开立的即期信用证。 the above quotation is made without and is subject to our final . 上述报价无约束力,以我方*确认为准。 we would like to take this of to you our ( XXX Brand TV) which enjoy the same as ( XXX Brand). 我们愿意借此机会将 XXX牌电视介绍给你,XXX牌电视与XXX牌电视受到同样的欢迎。 .....which will give you all the details. 它将提供你该商品的详情。 we are glad to have received your letter of ( 7th September )in with your enquiry for XXX 我们高兴地收到你们九月七日有关 XXX的询价信。 subject to your reply reaching us before the end of ( this Month)...以你方本月底答复到我方为准。 However, if the quantity to be ordered for each item exceeds XXX sets we may grant you a (5%) discount. 但每个单项商品的订购量超过 XXX台,则我们可以给你5%折扣。 Meanwhile, please be informed that we require the payment to be made by sight L/C which should be through a bank approved by us. 同时告诉你方,我们要求用即期信用证付款,该信用证应通过由我方认可的银行开立。 owing to the ( ) and prices .... 由于经久耐用和竞争性的价格..... we suggest your placing orders without delay, so that we may gurantee the supply, and you would not miss the chance. 我们建议你们立即订购,以便我们保证供货,你们也不会失去机会。 while the quality of our XXXX, You will also find that our prices are only too to be . 赞赏我们XXX的产品质量的同时,你还会发现我们的价格太有竞争力而令你们接受。 we are only too glad to confirm you the order. 我们非常高兴向你确定这个订单。(主要 too....to..是否定句,但是TOO 前面加个ONLY ,only too....to..就变成肯定句,如本句和上一句) to accept your present counter offer would mean a heavy loss to us, not to speak of profit.接受你们现在的还价意味着我们将有巨大亏损,更不用说利润了。 if at this lowest prices you can not make an order with us ,we are sorry to say that you can only switch your to others suppliers. 如果在这*的价格你不能同我们下订单,我们非常遗憾地说你们只能把你们的订货需求转向其他供应者了。大家想要知道自己的英语口语水平如何,点击【


1. Please draw on us for the amount of your invoice and attache the documents listed below to your draft. 2. We propose to pay by D/A at 30 d/s. 3. We agree to accept the goods in 3 shipments and you may draw on us at 60 d/s from the date of despatch of each shipment. 4. Payment is to be made agains sight draft drawn under a confirmed, L/C for the full invoice amount. 5. As the goods undre S / C No. 3456 have been ready for quite some time, please open your L /C without delay. 6. It would be advisable for you to establish the covering L ? C as early as possible so as to enable us to effect shipment in due time. 7. It is our custom to accept orders against confirmed letters of credit, valid for at least 21 days beyond the date fo shipment. 8. It is our policy to execute orders against a confirmed letter of credit. For the sake of helping you in promoting sales, we are now giveing you a special by granting the terms of D / P. You are to effec immediate payment on the of our draft. 9. We have opened an L /C in your favour through the Bank of China for an amount of $ 17,000 to cover the full CIF value of our order No. 743. 10. For the short amount of your L / C No. 90683 opened through the Standard Bank, we shall not ask you to increase the amount but will draw a clean draft on you for that amount. 11. the small amount involved, we are prepared, as an exception, to accept payment by D / P at sight for the value of your first trial order. 12. For this sample shipment, we will draw on you at 30 days sight but this cannot be taken as a precedent for future shipment. 13. We regret being unable to consider your request for payment on D / A basis, the reason being that we generally accept payment by L /C at sight. Taking into the good relations between us, we are prepared to accept payment for this order by D / P at sight. 14. If the amount of each is below US $ 500 or its at the rate then , we agree to D / A 30 days term. 15. Regarding terms of payment, we should like to advis you that payment by is . However, 80% are to be paid against teh of the shipping documents while the remaining 20% are to be paid on of the Report signed by the Sellers' engineer and the endusers' at the site. ...


《外贸英语函电》借鉴国内外外贸英语函电的结构与体系,紧密结合我国外贸业务的实际,通过大量的案例、实例,系统介绍了外贸业务活动中各种商务英语的格式与结构、写作特点、专业术语、常用专业词汇、相关句型和常见表达方式等,使学生通过实例,能举一反三,学以致用,从而提高外贸英语水平,熟练掌握外贸业务中常用的英语基本术语、表达技巧与技能。 也就是在外贸中一些常用的信函的句型,格式,等等!通俗的说就是写信,邮件!


现在国际通用的是齐头式,字体是aral 10号字体。齐头式就是所有的文字开始都不用空格,顶格写。如:Dear Lanny, Thank you for the on your products. I have a few more questions. Can you provide me with details on your unit KY-GPS102.Is the unit FCC approved?Does the unit have SIM Card or SIM Chip?What is the price of the unit?Is it ?Does it have an adapter that can connect to 12v system? Thank you for your time. Kurt of Sales


Dear Sirs, Thanks for your order about 5000 pcs women style leather bags. We will fulfill this order with best quality and deliver all goods on time.Please arrange open L/C promptly in case of shipment. Besides this style which you ordered, we also operated all sorts of fashion bags. Please check attached catalogue. If you are in any product, please feel free to tell us. Waiting for your soonest reply. Thank you and best regards. Your sincerely,Jessica


英文函电的重要性及学习方法进出口函电是按照国际惯例、以英语书面形式进行国际贸易业务磋商及操作的手段,同时也为贸易双方的交易起到“书证”的作用,因此在国际贸易的实际运作中处于不可或缺的地位。我们所用的电子邮件本身也是一封“信函”,只不过是电子版的,同时电子邮件还可以以“附件”的方式传送“信函”。很多人在刚开始写信函的时候最头疼的就是信函的格式,毕竟不是日常使用的东西,还有人一看到英文就头大。信函加英文足以杀死你的大部分脑细胞,但是我们又不得不去学它。因为它体现的是商业文化和商业礼仪,以及信函撰写者的教养。并且凡需起到法律或行政凭据作用、或需具有“可追溯”作用的重要信息依然必须以“信函”的格式撰写、并由相关人员亲笔签名加以确认。好啦,了解了信函的重要性,现在我们进入正题——英文信函的格式。英文信函的格式我把它拆分成英文和信函格式。英语不好的同学也不用担心学不好格式,因为写格式只需要用到一些固定的单词,信函的具体内容基本可以靠对方的函件要求写出来。信函中的英文方面只需要大家记住等等列出的格式中的关键词即可~格式按照下面给的照抄就行。英文信函的格式小提示:信函一般有缩进式(段首空字符)和齐头式(左顶格),国外一般用齐头式,所以接下来我使用的都是齐头式。(信头:一般是写这封信的公司的名字和地址,位置居中)空三行(小提示:信函每个部分之间都有间距,我会在部分与部分之间标出,纸张写作时虽然没有横线但是可以自己控制,电子邮件时需要严格控制。)Date 日期(位置居左中右皆可,注意美国的格式是MDY月日年,而大多数欧洲信函是DMY日月年)空两行Inside Adress 封内地址 (对方公司的照抄就好)Attention Line (写收信人不在时的处理人,信函上表达:attention:/ attn. /:/ for the attention of 这三种表达法)空两行 :收信人 (当封内地址是一个公司或者团体时,欧洲人习惯写成: Dear Sirs or Mmes,/ Dear Sirs;而美国人习惯写:Ladies/ Gentlemen: 或者 Gentlemen: 而当地址是个体时,不知道姓名性别或者只知道性别的是写:Dear Sir or Madam/ Dear Sir/ Dear Madam; 都知道的写:Dear Mr./ Mrs. /Miss + surname 比如Smith就是surname;如果对方有特殊头衔的话比如医生,就这样写:Dear Mr. Smith)空两到三行The Body of the Letter (信的主体部分:段与段之间空一行,行与行之间单倍行间距。)空两行The Close, eg. Yours 空两行Signature 手写签名空四行签名的印刷体Enclosure Notation 附件 (写成Encls:/Encs:)注:这个和fax不一样,fax是传真,如果是把东西邮寄给对方的话就是用这个。以上就是一篇完整的英文商务信函的格式,之后我还会分享商务信函的具体写作,如果你觉得有用的话,可以分享给身边有需要的人,可以的话顺便点个赞哦,大家的支持是我码字的动力~祝大家工作顺利,加薪加薪~


外贸英语函电书写中,有时为了提高书写效率和速度,经常喜欢用缩写的方式书写外贸英语函电。掌握一些常用的外贸英语函电缩写,也许你不会用,但是为了便于以后有些客户会在英语函电中使用缩写,不至于自己不知道,还是学一些常见的缩写词汇比较好一点。如果有些常用的外贸英语函电缩写词汇你不知道,难道你还要回信给客户问他这是什么意思吗?这时不仅会让客户觉得你很LOW,甚至估计都不会给你回信,立马就会打消与你合作的想法。当然,应该也没有外贸业务员会做这种事情的啦!以下都是一些常用的外贸英语函电缩写的词汇,好好背诵记住这些词汇,对你将来一定会有帮助:ab:about关于Bk.:bank 银行Bk.:book 帐册adj:adjust调整add:address地址qlty:quality质量qnty:quantity数量abt2:about to即将abv:above在……之上shipmt:shipment装货btwn:between在..中间ack:承认cu.m.:cubic meter立方米cu.yd.:cubic yard立方码approx:接近于admin:管理员cu.in.:cubic inch立方英寸adbb:all done, bye-bye再见acc:anyone can come谁都能来aeap:as early as possible尽快aap:always a pleasure令人愉快aar:at any rate 至少,无论如何cu.cm.:cubic 立方厘米instrctn:指令,命令;说明书ave:avenue大街,途径,手段,方法,渠道DOZ/DZ:dozen一打Br.:branch 分支机构EOY:end of year年终EOM:end of month月底EOS:end of season季末Est:estate 财产、遗产PKG:package一包,一捆PUR:purchase购买、购货B/L:bill of lading提单 EXP:short for export出口IMP:short for import进口INV:short for invoice发票MAX:short for maximum*MIN:short for minimum最小DL/DLS:dollar/dollars美元L/C:letter of credit信用证C/A:current assets 流动资产LIC:short for licence许可证S/S:short for steamship船名CTN/CTNS:carton/cartons纸箱 BOM:beginning of month 月初S/C:sales contract销售确认书 PCE/PCS:piece/pieces只、个、支等 B/E:short for bill of exchange支票EOU:export-oriented unit出口型单位C.A.D:cash against documnet 交单付款EOQ:economic order quantity*订货量ERS:Export Refinance Scheme 出口再融资计划ESOP:Employee Stock Ownership Plan 职工持股计划CCPIT:China Council for the Promotion of Trade*国际贸易促进委员会 以上就是一些外贸英语函电常见缩写词汇,新人外贸业务员更加需要多学一些这些常见的缩写形式,提高工作效率,这样才能在短期内适应外贸工作。


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