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日期:2021-08-30 09:08:51     浏览:669    来源:上海新东方考研辅导中心



距离2021年12月英语四级考试越来越近了,各位同学准备得怎么样了,文都网校四六级小编给大家整理了英语四级翻译练习题:丝绸之路,希望各位考生珍惜宝贵的时光,认真复习。【翻译原文】  丝绸之路(the Silk Road)是*古代的一条商业贸易路线(trade route)。丝绸之路以古代*的政治、 经济、文化中心——古都长安为起点,一直延伸至中亚、北非和欧洲。它最初的作用是出口*生产的丝绸。随着时间的推移,丝绸之路逐渐变成了一条连接东西方的主要道路,促进了东西方的经济文化交流。后来,有学者把所有沟通中西方的商路统称为丝绸之路。【参考译文】  The Silk Road is a trade route in ancient China. It started from the ancient capital Chang'an that was the center of politics, economy and culture in ancient China, and stretched all the way to central Asia, North Africa, and Europe. Its original function was to export the silk produced in China. As time went by, the Silk Road gradually became the main road the East and the West, promoting the economic and cultural exchanges between the two parties. Later, some experts call all the trade routes between China and the West "the Silk Road ".【翻译要点】  1.第2句较长,经分析可发现,“古代*的政治、经济,文化中心”为“古都长安”的同位语,这里可以处理成 that 引导的定语从句。翻译本句时,可先翻译主干(It started from..., and stretched all the way to...), 然后再插入定语从句和后半句的地点。  2.第3句中的定语“*生产的”用过去分饲短语 China来表达,作后置定语,简洁地道。  3.第4句中的定语“连接东西方的”用分词短语 East and the West来表达。“促进了......经济文化交流”可译为and promoted the economic and ,但用现在分词短语 promoting the economic...来表达,能让句子结构更紧凑。原句中有两个“东西方”,故把后一个译为the ,以避免重复。  4.*一句中的“有学者......”可译为存现句there are some experts...,但不如处理为some experts... 简洁。


  2021年12月英语四六级考试备考已经开始,文都网校四六级小编在这里准备了四六级翻译练习题:光盘行动,希望大家能够从中总结经验,在考试中取得好成绩。  【四级翻译原文】  据新华社(Xinhua News Agency)报道称,*人每年浪费的食物约等同于5000万吨粮食。让人更为震惊的*生浪费的食物数量是*平均量的两倍。为了减少粮食浪费,许多高校食堂纷纷采取各种措施。通过提高饭菜的质量、提供小份菜等举措鼓励学生参与“光盘行动”(eat-up campaign)。这些措施极大地提高了学生们节约食物的意识。很多学生表示要为杜绝食物浪费尽一己之力。  【参考翻译】  According to Xinhua News Agency, the food wasted by Chinese people every year is equal to about 50 million tons of grain.What is more is that college students waste twice as much food as the national average.To reduce food waste, many college canteens have taken various measures.By adopting measures like improving the food quality and offering small portions, they encourage students to join in the eat-up campaign.These measures have greatly improved students' awareness of food .Many students said they would do their bit to eliminate food waste.  【六级翻译原文】  “光盘行动”(“Clear Your Plate”Campaign)建议用餐者吃光盘子里的东西,鼓励将剩菜打包带走,以免浪费粮食。现在,*的不少饭店都开始提供小份菜(smaller dishes)。*每年浪费的粮食接近*粮食总产量的1/10,成为世界上*的人为灾害。“光盘行动”提醒人们,在他们大肆浪费粮食的时候,全世界仍然有许多人因为饥饿而死亡。“光盘行动”不再是某一个组织或个人的行动,而是一个关系到人类生存环境的行动,它有利于解决当前资源短缺的状况。  【参考翻译】  "Clear Your Plate" Campaign proposes that diners eatup their food in plates and them to take leftovers home in order to avoid food wasting, so a number of in China are offering smaller dishes now. The grain wasted in China each year is close to 1/10 of the national total grain output, which has become the world's largest man-made disaster. "Clear Your Plate" Campaign reminds people that when they are wasting food without restraint, there are still many people around the world who have died of . It is no longer an action of a certain or an , but one related to the human living , which can to resolving the current shortage of resources.


  2021年9月英语四级考试即将开考,各位同学都准备得怎么样了,文都网校四六级小编给大家整理了英语四级翻译练习题:烹饪,希望各位考生珍惜宝贵的时光,认真复习。 【翻译原文】  我从小就对烹饪非常感兴趣,年轻时喜欢在厨房里实验做饭。我在学校学过化学, 发现化学和烹饪都是把不同的东西搅合在一起, 制造出令人惊讶的效果。烹饪使我年轻。我希望一辈子都能以烹饪为业, 因为它使我每天都坚持学习新东西, 帮助我在厨艺上精益求精。在各式各样的西餐中,我对意大利菜情有独钟。作为西餐之源, 意大利菜以精制菜肴著称。它典雅、高贵且味道浓重。让我们将它与法国菜进行一下比较。我们都知道法国菜烹调时要分许多不同的步骤, 准备时要花很多时间。相反, 意大利菜快捷、简单且味美。大家耳熟能详的比萨饼、意大利面、海鲜和甜品都驰名世界。  【参考译文】  I have had a great interest in culinary art since I was a little boy. I liked making in the kitchen when I was young. I studied chemistry at school. And I found that both chemistry and cooking were to put things together and create surprise. Cooking makes me younger. I wish that cooking can be my lifelong career because it makes me keep on studying new things every day and helps me cultivate my culinary skills. Among various Western foods, I favor Italian food. As the of Western-style food, Italian food is famous for its made dishes. It’s elegant, noble, and rich in flavor. Let’s compare it with French food. We all know French food has many different steps in cooking and takes a lot of time for . , Italian food is quick, simple, and tasty. The well-known pizza, pasta, seafood, and dessert are worldwide famous.


  距离2021年12月英语四级考试越来越近了,各位同学准备得怎么样了,文都网校四六级小编给大家整理了英语四级翻译练习题:文房四宝,希望各位考生珍惜宝贵的时光,认真复习。  【翻译原文】  文房四宝(the Four Treasures of the Study)是*古代书画用具的总称,指纸、墨、毛笔与砚台(ink stone)。文房四宝的质量对绘画和书法()起着决定性的作用。因此进行*传统绘画和书法的文人 部很注重这些用具的选择。唐宋时期(the Tang and Song Dynasties)的文房四宝因其质量优良与制作精美,为后世学者高度称颂。在某种程度上来说,“文房四宝”是促进*传统文化发展的一个重要因素。  【参考译文】  The Four Treasures of the Study is a general term fora set of tools for painting and writing in , namely paper, ink, brush pen and ink stone. The quality of the Four Treasures of the Study playsa decisive role in one's painting and . Therefore, scholars engaging in and attached much to the choice of the tools. The products of"the Four Treasures of the Study" made during the Tang and Song Dynasties arehighly praised by later scholars for their superior quality. To some extent, the Four the Study is an important factor which has promoted the of culture.  【翻译原文】  *独有的文书工具( tools),即笔、墨、纸、砚(ink stone),被称为“文房四宝"(Four Treasures of theStudy)。从名称上,我们不难看出*的书法家和画家珍视它们的程度。尽管这四种工具已经发生了演变,人们仍然相信,如果不使用传统的文房四宝,*艺术作品就出不了杰作。其他东方*也继承了*的这个传统,比如日本。也许这就是为什么日本书法和绘画与*书法和国画很相似的原因。  【参考译文】  Chinese tools include brush,ink,paper and ink stone,which are known as "Four Treasures of the Study”.We can easily tell how Chinese and painters value them from the name.Despite the evolution of the four tools,it is believed that no Chinese artwork can be a without using the four treasures.Other oriental nations such as Japan has inherited this Chinese tradition.Maybe that's why Japanese and Japanese painting resemble Chinese and Chinese painting.


11 A12 D13 B14 B15 A16 A17 D18 A19 B20 D21 C22 B23 D24 CP.S. I can not promised that the answers are all correct


我个人考过三次英语四级,这次是刚过的.我觉得考四级有一定的运气成分,可是也不能全靠运气,自己也要准备的充分点。我觉得新东方的英语四级单词不错,是绿色封皮的那种,;里面每个单词都有记忆方法,而且还不只一种。 虽然说考英语四六级主要是词汇,但我觉得是听力最重要,你可以练习听六级的听力,然后练习四级的时候就不会觉得太快了。单词的话背背就可以了,背不完也没关系。 四级的阅读主要是速度吧,但也要细心,09年12月份的阅读考的就是细节。建议先看题目再看文章,看一题做一题,因为题目的顺序和在文章中出现的顺序是一样的。






学员评价ASK list

  • 张**评价:因为我本来是学习理科的,所以政治方面学习起来非常吃力,还好有上海新东方考研,老师规划的详细清楚,讲课不枯燥,我这个理科生也很容易能听懂!
    手机号码: 186****6585   评价时间: 2025-03-13
  • 女**评价:开学的时候正好报名了上海新东方考研的秋季培训班,整体学下来感觉要比自己自学有效多了,还得是专业的老师带着学才高效啊。
    手机号码: 151****6971   评价时间: 2025-03-13
  • 石**评价:现在新东方考研的这个英语营都是集训了,讲解比较全面,而且还送导学部分,讲的就还挺好的,新东方也是比较有经验的英语培训机构,还是很靠谱的。
    手机号码: 156****6288   评价时间: 2025-03-13
  • 陈**评价:新东方,信的过的品牌,物超所值
    手机号码: 157****4390   评价时间: 2025-03-13
  • 乔**评价:新东方考研集训营环境就很好,我在这边备考能特别专注,而且有自习室什么的,环境很安静。老师也特别负责,每天都监督我们去学习打卡,有问题还有一对一讲解,很负责。
    手机号码: 147****6742   评价时间: 2025-03-13
  • 吴**评价:联系了松江*城校区的老师,说新东方暑假集训营7月19日左右开课,就先预定了,主要是新东方考研实力好,教学服务又很周到,真的很适合我这种拖延症患者!
    手机号码: 183****3696   评价时间: 2025-03-13

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