一、专业名称、代码Specialty Titles & Codes专业名称:会计学 专业代码:110203授予学位:管理学学士Specialty Title: Specialty Code: Conferred: Bachelor of 二、专业培养目标Specialty Education Objective本专业培养具有管理、经济、法律等方面知识及会计、审计、评估方面专业知识和能力,能在企、事业单位及**从事会计实务工作以和科研、教学方面理论工作的工商管理*高级专门人才。 This specialty aims to bring up business senior with ability and knowledge of , economics, laws, , auditing and etc., being able to do practical work, and teaching in and .三、培养规格和专业特色Education and Specialty Features培养规格:本科 专业特色:会计学专业注重理论与实践相结合,安排了实践性教学,使学生能尽快适应社会要求。设有会计电算化实验课、会计与审计案例分析,财务分析等实践性较强的课程。并具有设备较先进的会计电算化实验室,为培养应用型会计人才创造了良好的环境。 Education : Specialty Features: The specialty the of theory with practice, allowing students to adapt swiftly to social demands by offering practical teaching. Practical courses like , and Auditing Case Studies, Analysis etc. are offered. The Lab is equipped with advanced equipment to provide good for bringing up applied . 四、主干*Core 工商管理、经济学、法学。Business , Economics, Legal Studies五、专业主干课程Specialty Core Courses财务会计学、成本会计学、财务管理学、审计学、管理会计、计算机会计、高级财务会计。Financial , Cost , Financial , Auditing, , Computer , Advanced Financial 六、学制和学分要求Duration and Credits 学制:基本学制4年,可在3—6年内实行弹性学制。学分:毕业获得学位*学分要求:161学分。其中必修课109学分(公共基础课35学分,*基础课程52学分,专业主干课程22学分);选修课40学分(专业方向课28学分,跨*选修课程12学分);实践教学课程12学分。 Duration:normal duration 4 years,possible flexible duration between 3 to 6 years。Credits: The Minimum Required Credits for with Degree:161七、专业教学进程计划表Specialty Teaching Progress Plan table 八、实践教学计划 Practical Teaching Plan包括课程实习和毕业实习,一般安排4周。Including courses practice and practice within 4 weeks.