i tried to type in chinese, but for some reason it didnt let me... so i'll answer your question in english and hope it helps.im not sure why you are going to study stat. if it's solely for your interest, good for you. but most of the people i know who got accepted by those two programs were actually . by that i mean they couldn't get into the finance/financial program, so the school them to stat. plus, i've heard columbia and cornell have been in their downturn these recent years and have recruited a lot of student to their second-rate master's programs to make up their financial shortage. almost all of my friends who applied for those two schools got accepted. so i seriously doubt the quality of some of their programs.as for program selection, first of all, take a look at their and see which interests you more. second, if you are planning to get your phd, the location really doesnt matter and cornell has lower living expense. but if you are planning on getting a job after the master's degree, nyc will have a lot more to offer.
*学期完成大部分核心课程;第二学期开始个人以职业为重点的学习;体验更深、更丰富的 Learning,这是其他MBA项目不能提供的;通过实际业务项目获得更多的商业经历;定制商业之外在康奈尔其他排名*的的学习,增加你的教育投资回报率,如工程,酒店管理,劳动关系,法律和医学。