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位置:培训资讯 > 朗读|《理想生活》今天才是一份礼物-双语阅读


日期:2019-08-21 14:09:59     浏览:604    来源:天才领路者

Your Most Ideal Day


What is your most ideal day? Do you know exactly how you want to live your life for the next five days, five weeks, five months or five years? When was the last best day of your life? When is the next?


The best day of our lives is today. The past is no longer here. We cannot enjoy it any longer. To dwell on the past is to waste the opportunity to enjoy the present. The future is a promise, a time that will not come because what we have is only today. When tomorrow comes, it will not be tomorrow any more; it becomes your today. You cannot enjoy tomorrow unless you know how to enjoy your today. If you are to live thirty more years, you are going to experience 10,950 todays. But every day that passes without your notice is a day cut off from your life. Your life is a day shorter every new day.


Each day is a decision to live. Today is a gift; this is why it is called the "present". How you use this day is up to you. At each new day, you decide whether to unwrap that gift, or let it stay in the corner and spoil. Each day is a decision to live your ideal life.

