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日期:2019-08-28 18:16:23     浏览:430    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:大同,山西省省辖市,是*首批24个*历史文化名城之一、*九大古都之一。在英语中也有关于描写山西大同的作文题材,那你想知道描写山西大同的英语作文怎么写吗?下面是小编收集整理的一些描写山西大同的英语作文,大家一起来看看吧! 描写山西大同的



Yungang Grottoes was carved on the north cliff of Wuzhou Mountain 16km west cf Da}ong City.Shanxi Province. The caves were carved in the mid-5th century,North Wei Dynasty,stretching about 1 km from east to west as one of the largest clusters of grottoes in China. With an enormous size and rich contents,Yungang Grottoes ranks side by side with Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang of Gansu Province and Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang of Henan Province as the three great cluters of cave temples in China.

大同云冈石窟坐落在山西省大同市以西16公里处的武周山北崖,开凿于公元5 世纪中叶的北魏时期。洞窟依山开凿,东西绵延一公里,是*最人的石窟群之一,其规模之巨大、雕刻内容丰富,令人叹为观。与甘肃敦煌莫高窟、河南洛阳龙门石窟并列为*几大石窟。

On the three,Yungang Grottoes stands out for its rich contents and refined carving. Preserved to the present in the Grottoes are 53 caves and over 51 000 statues. Yungang grottoes consists of three sections,the east,the west,and the central,with caves of all sizes pleasantly scattered half way on Yungang Mountain.Caves in the east section feature in pagodas,thus called pagoda caves. Those of the central section were all structured with a front and a rear chamber,with the Buddha in the center and relief carving all over the walls. Caves of the west section are mostly medium or small sized,or small niches added in later times,actually,in most cases,carved after the capital of North Wei Dynasty was moved from Datong to Luoyang.

在*三大石窟中,石冈石窟以内容丰富、雕刻精细而著称。云冈石窟现存洞窟充 53个、造像5. 1万余尊,规模宏大。云冈石窟分为东、中、西三部,大、中、小窟疏密有致地嵌贴在云冈半腰中。东部的石窟多以造塔为主,故又称塔洞;中部的石窟每个部分为前后两室,主佛居中,洞壁和洞顶布满了浮雕;西部石窟则以中小窟和补刻的小佛龛为最多,修建的时代略晚,大多是北魏迁都洛阳之后的作品。

On the interior and exterior walls as well as the Buddha's halos and the caisson ceilings of the caves,there are vividly carved groups of apsaras to manifest the world of ultimate happiness pursued by Buddhists. All the statues are modeled with marvelous personification that gives the Buddha a human nature and expression as well as infinite vigor as the ancient treasure of Chinese culture


In December of 2001,World Heritage Committee of UNESCO inscribed Yungang Grottoes in its World Heritage List.





The hall stands on a little hill 7.5km west of Datong City.


First constructed in Liao Dynasty,the present building is the restoration on the original site in 1651,the 8th year of Emperor Shunzhi’s reign,Qing Dynasty.


Its layout is compact,and on the axis are placed the theater tower,Hall of Avalokitesvara,Hall of Three Truths,and other towers or houses.


The theater tower seats 8m above on a cavern,and below is the ancient passage for carts, cattle,and the folks.


The main hall is 3-room wide and 2-room in depth, with an overhanging gable roof of glazed tiles.


The interior of the hall is expanded with side chambers for larger Buddhist activities.


Standing in the center of the hall is a 6m high stone statue of Avalokitesvara,wearing a crown touching the ceiling.


Two statues of attendants stand on the left and right side.


On the walls of the hall are 24 mural stories of Avalokitesvara saving the folks out of their miseries.


The three-dragon glazed screen wall is built in Ming Dynasty.


And research shows that the big Chinese character “Buddha”by contour drawing,about 3m2,carved on the cliff west of the temple,is the relic of Liao Dynasty.



Huayan Temple


This temple is situated in the west suburb of Datong City,a large Buddhist temple built in Liao Dynasty.


The buildings,statues, murals,and caisson ceilings,etc,are all well preserved and have a unique style and highly advanced artistry.


Reputed as an Mart museum of Liao and Jin Dynasties, the temple occupies an important position in the history of culture and architecture of China.


It is made up of an upper and a lower temple.


The Grand Hall of Sakyamuni of the upper temple is the remain of Jin Dynasty, also the largest singular Buddhism hall of Jing Dynasty well preserved to the present in China.


In the hall is modeled a golden and brilliant Buddha of Five Directions (east,west,south,north,and central) and all over the walls are painted huge murals.


The inscription on the door head of the main hall in the lower temple reads “Bhage Religious Depository”, meaning“the storehouse of Buddhist sutras”.


In the central of the hall are three big statues,surrounded by the other 28 at the side.


All of them beautiful in figure,plump in face,vivid in expression, with natural and floating drapery or ornaments.


They are rare masterpiece sculptures of Liao Dynasty.




Yungang Grottoes is made up of three sections:Caves 1 to 4 are the east section,Caves 5 to 13 the central section,and Caves 14 to 45 the west section. As a convention.the tour usually begins from Caves 5 of the central section,one by one to Cave 45,then Caves 1 to 4 of the east section. Among all the caves,the five by Tan Yao are the most grand and majestic,whereas Cave 5,Cave 6,and Wuhua Caves are most colourful and rich in content as the cream of the art of Yungang Grottoes. Caves of the east and west sections are works of a later time.

云冈石窟分成东区、中区和西区三大部分。第1至4窟为东部,第5至13' 窟为中部,第14至45窟为西部。传统的参观路线是先从中部的第5窟开始参观一直到第45窟,然后再参观石冈石窟东部的第1至第4窟。众多的洞窟中以昙曜五窟气势最为雄伟。第5、第6窟和五华洞内容丰富多彩,是云冈石窟艺术的精华。东部和西部窟群属于晚期作品。
