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位置:北京爱好培训资讯 > 北京健身培训资讯 > 终于明白健身的英文


日期:2019-08-29 11:44:40     浏览:957    来源:天才领路者
  现在都市生活压力越来越大,人们亚健康状况也是日益严重,合理减压健身才能享受健康的人生,运动健身不失为一种好方法。   常用句子   Wow, that was a great workout!   哇,健身效果真好!   I need to go to the gym more.   我需要多去几次健身房。   I want to sign up for a gym membership.   我想报名成为健身房的会员。   I'm starting to lose weight since I started going to the gym!   自从我开始去健身房后,我的体重减轻了。   I need a personal trainer.   我需要一个私人教练。   Do you have to pay a membership fee?   你要付会员费吗?   I feel a million bucks after that.   做完运动我感觉好舒畅。   Do you know where the locker room is?   你知道更衣室在哪儿吗?   How much does a gym membership cost?   成为健身房会员需要多少钱?   I went to the health club to work out. All my muscles are sore.   我去健身俱乐部锻炼去了,全身肌肉酸痛。   I like to play badminton in my spare time.   我喜欢在闲暇时打羽毛球。   We go to play badminton in the nearest gym every Sunday.   每个星期天我们都去近的体育馆打羽毛球。   Let's go swimming.   咱们游泳去。   She's teaching the children to swim.   她正在教孩子们游泳。   He goes jogging every night.   他每晚慢跑。


    情景对话   A:You look pretty well. How do you keep in shape?   B:Oh, I work out from time and time.   A:What kind of sport do you often do?   B:I often jog. It does me a lot of good.   A:How long have you been practising?   B:Several weeks.   A:Do you jog every day?   B:Yes, except Sunday. Sunday is my free day.   A:Do you do it in the morning or in the afternoon?   B:Either before or after work.   A:Good habit. How for each time?   B:A few kilometers.   A:你看上去很不错,你是怎么保持体型的?   B:嗯,我经常去锻炼。   A:你经常做什么运动?   B:慢跑,这使我受益匪浅。   A:你锻炼多长时间了?   B:几个星期了。   A:每天都跑吗?   B:是的,除周日外每天都跑。周日休息。   A:你是上午还是下去运动?   B:在上班前或者下班后。   A:好习惯,每次跑多远?   B:几千米。