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位置:北京语言培训资讯 > 北京英语培训资讯 > 总算懂了保持身材英语


日期:2019-08-29 14:53:41     浏览:692    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:    对话范例A:Wow,Mary.Youlooksoslimandfresh.B:Thankyou,Maria.A:It'sincredible,youjustgavebirthtoyourbaby.Howcanyoukeepyourf
       对话范例   A: Wow, Mary. You look so slim and fresh.   B:Thank you, Maria.   A:It's incredible, you just gave birth to your baby. How canyou keep your figure like this? You’re far heavier when I saw you last time.   B: Yeah, when I was pregnant I’m 35 pounds heavier than Iam now.   A:Really? How did you do it? Have you take part in any kind of exercise club?   B : Yes,I began to do yoga two months after giving birth.   Then I worked my butt off exercising and lost 25 pounds during these three months.   A .Congratulations to your success in losing weight.   B: Thank you.   A:I also tried losing weight,but nothing worked.   B; You can try to do yoga. I think yoga can not only make people slim but also relax us.   A:I would like to. But I wonder whether it will be difficult fora beginner.   B: You can take the beginners' course. Later you'll find your figure becomes more slender and healthier than before.   A:That's great. I have to go and find a yoga club now.   A:哇,玛丽,你看起来很苗条,精神很好。   B:谢谢,玛丽亚。   A:真让人难以置信,你才刚生完孩子。你是怎么把身材保持成这样的?上次我见到你的时候,你比现在胖多了。   B:是啊,我怀孕的时候比现在重35磅。   A:真的吗?你是怎么减肥成功的?你参加健身俱乐部了吗?   B:是的,我产后两个月就开始做瑜伽了。在三个月里,我努力锻炼,体重减轻了25磅.   A:恭喜你减肥成功。   B:谢谢.   A:我也曾经试图减肥,但是失败了。   B:你可以试试做瑜伽。我想瑜伽不仅能使人变苗条,还能使人放松。   A:我也要试试。但是我想知道对于初学者来说会不会太难.   B:你可以上初级课程。不久,你就会发现你的身材比以前更苗条了,身体也更健康了.


    句式点拨   work one's butt off很努力地(做一件事)   "butt”是“屁股”的意思。"work one's butt off”在英语口语中经常使用,意为“很努力地(做一件事)”。还有一个与“butt”相关的惯用语“freeze one's butt off",意思是“冷得把屁股冻僵了".          以上是由上海新东方小编为您整理的保持身材英语的全部内容