核心提示:电子商务模式,就是指在网络环境和大数据环境中基于一定技术基础的商务运作方式和盈利模式。 美联英语为大家分享电子商务英语怎么说,都是日常生活中常见的情景,简单的话题。

电子商务模式,就是指在网络环境和大数据环境中基于一定技术基础的商务运作方式和盈利模式。 美联英语为大家分享电子商务英语怎么说,都是日常生活中常见的情景,简单的话题。
I' ve heard many young staff talking about E marketing. Then what' s it? And what are the differences between the E marketing and the traditional marketing? Is the E marketing the marketing with the help of the Internet?我听到一些年轻员工谈论电子营销。那电子营销是什么?电子营销与传统营销有什么区别?电子营销就是借助网络进行的营销活动吗?
Yes. It' s also an essential part of the E business. And E marketing have impacted marketing a lot.是的,它也是电子商务的一个基本组成部分。电子营销已经对市场营销产生了巨大的影响。
What are they? Can you say specifically?有哪些表现?能说得具体些吗?
Well, traditional marketing is made up of four Ps-product, price, place and promotion, while E marketing consists of four Cs-customer, cost, convenience and communication.传统营销要素由4 PM成,即产品、价格、渠道和促销;而电子营销由4C组成,即顾客、成本、便利和沟通。
Do you mean they are different in notion?你是说他们在观念上不同?
Yes. In addition, E marketing is essentially different from traditional marketing in the means, the manner, the tool, the place, and the strategy of marketing.是的。除此之外,还有营销手段、方式、工具、渠道以及营销策略等方面与传统营销也有着本质的区别。