一个人练英语口语怎么练有效?没有陪练,更没有外国人,也没有英语语言环境,也没很多时间的,白天要上班,没有时间去参加什么培训班,英语角等等,更不用说出国了,那怎样利用现有的资源练好口语呢?要相信勤能补拙,汉普森英语小编为您整理银行存款英语,帮助您扩充英语知识储备,英语脱口而出。 Customer:Excuse me, sir. Could you speak English? 顾客:对不起,先生。请问你会说英语吗? Sam:A little. But I'll try my best to help you. 山姆:会说一点。但我会尽力帮助你的。 Customer:That's right. May I open a private foreign currency deposit account with your bank? 顾客:好的。我能在贵行立私人外币储蓄账户吗? Sam:Of course, three kinds of foreign currencies can be handied here. They are US Dollar, EUR, JPY. So what kind of currency is it? 山姆:当然可以,我们办理3种外币:美元、欧元、日元。请问您持有哪种外币? Customer:It's EUR. 顾客:欧元。 Sam:All right. Which account would you like, current or time deposit? 山姆:好的。请问您要哪种储蓄账户,定期的还是活期的? Customer:Current deposit. 顾客:活期。 Sam:Very well, sir. Please fill out these forms with your name,address, ID card number, deposit term and the amount you want to deposit. 山姆:先生,好的。请您在这张表上填上姓名、地址、身份证号码、存期和所存金额。 Customer: Certainly. Here is a deposit slip filled in. 顾客:好的,这是一张填好的存款凭条。 Sam: Thanks. Now take these deposit slips over to the teller,and he'll be glad to take care of you. 山姆:谢谢。现在您把存款凭条拿过去交给出纳,他会为您办理开户事宜。 Customer: I appreciate it. 顾客:十分感谢。 Sam: I'd be glad to help you. 山姆:不必客气。 以上就是银行存款英语,学英语,外教面对面,学得一口地道英语,汉普森英语帮您个性化定制学习英语口语,为您量身定制课程学习计划,提高学习效率。