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位置:培训资讯 > 总算清楚皮肤护理-英语


日期:2019-09-02 08:34:44     浏览:273    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:    对话范例A:Iwouldlikeafacial.B:Whichkindwouldyoulike?Wehavethreedifferentvarietiesoffacials.A:Whichwouldyourecommend?B:We
       对话范例   A: I would like a facial.   B: Which kind would you like? We have three different varieties of facials.   A: Which would you recommend?   B: Well, since it's summer and it looks like you have had quite a bit of sun, I would recommend our summer special. It's especially suited for individuals with sensitive skin.   A: What does it include?   B: A facial mask and a massage. The reviving mask will promote blood circulation and tighten the skin. You can also choose to get a hand or back massage as well.   A: There are always small bumps here and   there on my face. How can I get rid of then?   B: Well. I would suggest that you wash your face often. Also. I would suggest youget a facial every three to five weeks for a deep cleaning.   A: I see. I will keep that in mind. Thank you.   B:Not at all.   A:我想做个面部护理   B:你想做哪种?我们有三种,   不同的面部护理。   A:你推荐我使用哪一种?   B:嗯,因为现在是夏天.而且看起来你好像晒厂很多太阳,所以我推荐你使用我们的夏季特选.特别适合肌肤敏感的人。   A:都包括什么服务?   B:面膜和按摩。这种活肤面膜不但会促进血液循环.还可以紧致肌肤。你还可以选择手部按摩或背部按摩。   A:我脸上总会在这里那里冒出些小痘痘.我要怎么做才能消除它们呢?   B:嗯.我建议你经常洗脸还有.我建议你隔三到五周就做一次而部护理,深层清洁一下脸部.   A:我知道了。我会记得的,谢谢!   B:不客气。

皮肤护理 英语

         高频句子   1. I would like a facial.我想做个面部护理。   2. Do you like a body massage, miss?小姐,您要全身按摩吗?   3. I want a basic facial.我想做个基础护肤。   4. How long will the massage take?按摩要用多长时间 ?   S. Most facials start with a thorough leaning.大所属面部护理都是从彻底清洁皮肤开始的。   6. This cream can dissolve facial hair.这种面霜可以清除面部汗毛。   7. Do you want a face massage:要不要面部按摩?   8. A good massage always relaxes me.有效的按摩总是使我放松。   9. Alice is having a facial massage.爱丽丝正在做面部按摩。   10. My skin freaks out no matter what skin-care product I use.不论我用护肤产品,我的皮肤都受不了。   11. Lily use this reviving facial mask often.莉莉经常使用这种活肤面膜。   12. I will try a deep-cleaning facial to get rid of the grease.我想尝试一下深层清洁护理来祛除皮肤中的油脂.         以上是由小编整理的皮肤护理 英语的全部内容。