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位置:培训资讯 > 终于理解家政服务英语


日期:2019-09-08 11:33:36     浏览:1086    来源:天才领路者
  现代人工作越来越忙,会洗衣做饭照顾孩子的人也越来越少,所以保姆就成了生活中的好帮手。很多人抱怨找保姆难,当然咯!一位出色的保姆,不但可以解决你的后顾之忧,还能成为你生活上的朋友,自然要谨慎选择!   1.We need a baby-sitter.我们需要一个保姆。   A: What have you been doing recently?   B: I'm terribly busy taking care of the baby. I think we need a baby-sitter because we've felt dog-tired over a long period.   甲:近忙什么呢,   乙:我忙得不可开交地照顾孩子。我觉得我们需要一个保姆,因为长时间以来我们累得像狗一样。   2.I have had three baby-sitters before.我以前有过三个保姆。   A: Have you ever hired a baby-sitter? That's important to your baby.   B: Don't worry. I have had three baby-sitters before and I know how to pick a good one.   甲:你以前雇过保姆吗,那对你的孩子可是很重要呢。   乙:放心吧,我以前有过三个保姆,知道怎么找个好的。   3.The household service company just introduced a young baby-sitter to me.家政服务公司刚给我介绍了一个年轻的保姆。   A: Have you found a baby-sitter?   B: Yes. The household service company just introduced a young baby-sitter to me.  


    4.What do you think of your new hourly worker?你觉得你家新来的小时工怎么样?   A: What do you think of your new hourly worker?   B: Well, she did a good job. Everything is in order due to her work.   甲:你觉得你家新来的小时工怎么样,   乙:她干得很漂亮。因为她一切都井井有条的了。   5.The sifter I just hired doesn't have too much experience.   我刚雇的保姆没什么经验。   A: I'm totally fed up!   B: What's wrong?   A: The sitter I just hired doesn't have too much experience. What'smore, she's too lazy to learn anything.   甲:真是受够了   乙:怎么了,   甲:我刚雇的保姆没什么经验。更要命的是,她什么都懒得学。   experience表示“经验”,而experienced就可以表示“有经验的,经验丰富的,老练的”。例如:   I'm a new worker. So I don't have much experience.我是个新人,所以没有什么经验。   He is much experienced in teaching.他有丰富的教学经验。   6.He is totally qualified for the job.他完全胜任这份工作。   A: Are you satisfied with your yardman?   B: Yes, I am. He is totally qualified for the job and he knows how to deal with others.   甲:你对你家的园丁满意吗,   乙:满意啊。他完全胜任这份工作,而且知道怎么和人打交道。   7.How about your housekeeper?你家家政服务员怎么样?   A: How about your housekeeper?   B: She changes the sheets frequently.   A: How diligent your housekeeper is!   甲:你家家政服务员怎么样,   乙:她换被单很勤。   甲:真勤快。