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位置:北京语言培训资讯 > 北京英语培训资讯 > 总算清楚公共交通英语


日期:2019-09-11 14:42:30     浏览:356    来源:天才领路者
  常用词句   bike-way自行车专用道   block/hold up/obstruct/tie up the traffic堵塞交通.   broad stream of human and vehicular traffic行人和车辆汇成的洪流.   bulk cargo散装货   bus service公交服务   busy traffic繁忙的交通   cargo  /freight货物   carriage  运费   catch a bus赶公共汽车   catch the last bus赶末班车   catch the train/flight/ship赶火车/飞机/轮船.   change buses换公交车   change to No. 8 bus at在……换乘8路汽车   city traffic城市交通   collision  碰撞   combined transportation联运   container  集装箱   controlled by red and green lights由红绿灯控制.   dense traffic拥挤的交通   direct traffic指挥交通   drive back in a car驾车回去   drive down a highway沿公路行驶   Drive Slow车辆慢行   drive through the red light/jump a stop light闯红灯.   Drive with Caution谨慎驾驶   elevated super highway高架高速公路   endanger safe traffic危及交通安全   engine oil机7由   excessive speed超速   expressway/super expressway高速公路   fast (traffic) lane快车道   Forbidden to Drive without a Licence禁止无照行车.


    gasoline station/stand加油站   get/go on a bus 上公共汽车   give sb. a ride让某人搭车   goods traffic货运   guide book旅行指南   heavy traffic交通繁忙   highway  公路   highway patrol交通警察   high-speed traffic by air航空捷运   hinder/impede the traffic妨碍交通   hold onto a strap/ring抓住车上扶手   insert a coin投币   interrupt the traffic阻断交通   jaywalker  司违反交通规则的行人   Keep Lane严守车道   Keep to the Right靠右通行   let down passengers让乘客下车   loading capacity装载量   lubricant  润滑油   means/way/mode of transportation运输方式   mile stone里程碑   much/little traffic车辆多/少   No Driving after Drinking禁止酒后开车   No Horn禁止鸣笛   No Left/Right Turn禁止左/右转   No Parking禁止停车   No Passing禁止超车区域   No Thoroughfare禁止通行   No U Turn禁止调头   observe traffic regulations遵守交通规则   offer one's scat to sb.给某人让座   One Way/One-way Traffic单行线,单向交通   order/call a taxi 叫出租车   overland traffic陆上交通   overman  超员   overtake a car超车   over-loading超载   paralyse the traffic使交通瘫痪   park  /parking停车   park free免费停车   parking lot/place/area停车场   parking space停车场所   passenger traffic客运交通