前段时间,我的一位闺蜜(BFF-best friend forever)突然约我出去喝咖啡而且电话里语气消沉,不用问这八成是又和老公闹别扭了,结果不出我所料(as I expec-ted ),刚见到我便开始大吐苦水! Answer:家庭就是这样,不会总是和和美美,甜甜蜜蜜的,有时也会火星撞地球引起大爆炸哦!闺蜜碎碎念了那么多,其实一句话就可以概括: Now we are leading a cat and dog life. 我们现在闹得水火不容。 亲情大搜罗 家庭和睦 *讲究以和为贵,看看和睦的家庭是什么样子吧! We all get along together. 我们相处和睦。 Blood runs thirkrr than water. 血浓于水。 She must be missing her daddy pretty good by now. 现在她肯定非常思念她的父亲。 I'd like to spend more time with my family. 我想多花点时间和家人在一起。 After all I share blood with me sister. 毕竟我和姐姐有血缘关系。 矛盾分裂 虽说都是一家人,也难免会磕磕碰碰哦! Maybe it's time for you to stop relying on me so much. 也许现在你不应该再那么依赖我了。 You can't keep treating me like a child. 你不能像管小孩那样管我。 You are your father's son 有其父必有其子。 You walked out of your fammily. 你抛弃了你的家人。 黄金句式 A : So how was your day?今天过得怎么样? B: Pretty much the usual.跟平常差不多。 你还可以说How did it go today? A:Are you just getting hack from the party? Did you enjoy yourself?你刚从聚会回来?玩得开心吗? B:Yeah,it was great. So much fun.是的,棒极了。很有意思。 你还可以说:Did you have a good time? A: Did you finish all your work for today?你今天的工作都做完了吗? B: Yes, finally. I'm exhausted!是的,终于做完了。真累啊。 你还可以说: I'm so tired. I'm heat. 以上是由上海新东方小编为您整理的家庭和睦英语怎么说的全部内容