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位置:培训资讯 > 终于找到雅思写作高分词汇丨关于新闻


日期:2019-09-15 17:01:14     浏览:351    来源:天才领路者


  ♦journalist   n.新闻工作者,记者   【拓】journal n.日报.   【例】What qualities do you think journalist should have?   你认为记者应该具备什么样的素质?   思路拓展   记者应具备的良好素质(faculty)可以从以下几个方面拓展思路:   1 .He should be unbiased and free from any stereotypes,prejudices.   (报道不能带有偏见)   2 .He should write what he sees,and the story is newsworthy.   (真实性,具有新闻价值)   3 .He should follow the ethics of journalism.   (职业操守)   4 .He should not mingle his own opinion in the story.   (不能在报道中掺进个人意见)   5 .He should try to provide complete and authentic information.   (全面真实的报道)   6 .He must have greatest sense of responsibilities.   (责任感)   7 .He must try to find all sides to a story.   (报道要全面)   8 .He must be friendly,personable,articulate.   (友好、有风度、口才好)   ♦trustworthy   adj.可信赖的,可靠的.   【同】reliable adj.可靠的,可信赖的dependable adj.可靠的,可信赖的.   【用】trustworthy product信得过的产品   【例】Not all the advertisements are trustworthy.   不是所有的广告都值得信赖。   ♦newsworthy    adj.有新闻价值的,值得报道的.   【例】It is newsworthy because it reflects a cultural attitude.   它具有新闻价值是因为它折射出了一种文化态度。   ♦have a good nose嗅觉敏锐   【用】have a good nose for news对新闻敏感/有洞察力.   【例】We say a good reporter must have a good "nose" for a story.   我们说,一个好记者必须有一个对新闻非常敏感的嗅觉。   ♦unbiased   adj.不偏不倚的,公正的,公平的.   【拓】bias n.偏见,偏爱.   【例】The witness is unbiased and so reliable.   那个证人没有偏见,因而是可靠的。    ♦objectively  adv.客观地.   【拓]objectiveness n.客观性objective adj.客观的,不带偏见的.   【同】unbiased adj.公正的unprejudiced adj.没有成见的.   impersonal adj.客观的impartial adj公平的,公正的.   ♦unswayed adj.不为所动的,不受影响的.   【反】subjective adj.主观的,个人的.   【用】objective and fair客观公正的.   【例】The real function of media is to reveal the world objectively.   媒体的真正功能是客客观地反映世界。   ♦code of ethics道德准则,道德规范.   【例】Being honest is the important content of the professional code of ethics in journalism and the foundation ofsharing information and communicating between people.   诚信是新闻职业道德规范的重要内容,是人们信息沟通与交流的基础。   ♦up-to一date  adj.新的,近的.   【同】up-to-the一minute新的latest adj.新的.   【例】 Programmes specializing in pop music or TV soap operas focus more on local news,home issues and up-to-date traffic reports.   专门播放流行音乐或肥皂剧的节目,会更关注当地新闻、家庭生活及新的交通状况。   ♦headline    n.头版头条新闻vt.大力宣传.   【用】hit(或make)the headlines作为重要新闻见报,被大肆宣传.   ♦headline news头条新闻.   【例】Generally,when a star athlete is injured,the injury will become headline news.   一般来说,当一个明星运动员受了伤,他的伤势会成为新闻头条。   ♦barometer  n.晴雨表,变化的标志.   【用】the barometer of变化的标志.   【例】The press has the function of the barometer of the public opinion.   媒体承担着舆论晴雨表的功能。   ♦keep abreast of了解……的新情况.   【同】keep people well一informed使人们消息灵通.   【例】Many people often watch the news channel to keep abreast of the latest news.   很多人通过看新闻频道来了解新新闻。   ♦disseminate   vt.&vi.散布,宣传,传播.   【拓】dissemination n.宣传disseminative adj.传播的          以上是由上海新东方学校小编为您整理的雅思写作高分词汇丨关于新闻的全部内容。